Paul losing 5-4 two seasons in a row with Cody winning AFH was the best possible outcome for this finale. A small bit of glee in the worst ever season of Big Brother.
Fucking fantastic! I still want to see Russel Hanz and Paul on the same show.
We're gonna reflect on this season and think that Josh is actually a genius, taking all the blame while proving effective jury management. This is one thing survivor can't do, goodbye messages since everyone can be targeted, instead of just two on the block.
Paul lost for one reason: He wouldn't own his manipulation and betrayals, even at the end. He was still trying to sell them on "friendship" faggotry. Nobody wants to be lied to all season and then disrespected at the final episode. I firmly believe if he would have completely owned it at the end(like Josh did every goodbye message), they would have given it to him. What a dumbass.
Paul lost for one reason: He wouldn't own his manipulation and betrayals, even at the end. He was still trying to sell them on "friendship" faggotry. Nobody wants to be lied to all season and then disrespected at the final episode. I firmly believe if he would have completely owned it at the end(like Josh did every goodbye message), they would have given it to him. What a dumbass.
Right I'm seeing a bunch of bitter jury gripes in the NeoGaf thread, and I'm like, yep they are bitter, and Paul should have KNOWN they'd be bitter. Did he really think they wouldn't FINALLY compare notes in the sequestered Jury house? I honestly believe he could have easily salvaged a 5-4 win by just admitting he was behind all of it, and that it was just game play moves, which did get him to the final 2 in the easiest possible way. But the second he went into his normal "It wasn't me" mode after the second question (I think), I looked to my wife and said "He just guaranteed his loss right there." Yes, he lost some people for good like Alex. But I think him owning it would have swayed Jason and maybe even Cody and Mark/Elana.
Paul's backyard interview, he's super salty and really doesn't understand why he lost. I think Namon is right, if he had owned up to what he did the jury they probably would have voted for him.
In games like survivor and big brother jury management is like 30% of the game.
It totally is. Russel Hantz lost because, while he did totally dominate the actual game (took a core of 4 people and took out a core of 8), he was openly a dick about it and it cost him. However, his game was lost in the jury just because of who he took with him to the final 3.
However, in Big Brother, I'd argue that it's even a bigger share of that, simply because of things like the goodbye messages. Josh used them to own it. Paul used them to continue his bullshit lies. I think he crossed a line, but in the end, dude was masterful in the art of "playing all sides" and not getting caught. I have seen many attempts at doing that before, and they ultimately failed. Dude was able to do it all the way to the end, he just needed to fess up to it.
I do think it would have been harder if Big Brother would actually find 8-10 people who are equally driven for that prize instead of 4 or 5. I am hoping against hope (because let's be real, Grodner wants "The Real World" more than she wants "Survivor") that they do just that next season and give us a cast with at least 2/3 of them wanting to actually play for that end prize more than getting a few weeks of fame and then being pampered in a jury mansion after the fact.