When I wired houses in Buffalo, the plumbers would turn the water on, check everything and then disconnect the water again when they left after they finished installing all of their plumbing fixtures in a house. This would leave one flush worth of water in the toilets IIRC. What would end up happening is that workers on other nearby houses would need to take a dump and back then builders weren't required to have port-o-jons. So guys would sneak into one of the finished houses and take dumps in the shitters, and they didn't care if there wasn't any water to flush and would just leave shit in a dry bowl. Sometimes you'd even see where multiple people would all shit in a bowl and it would be like a layer cake of feces.
This started to become a regular issue with one builder, and they started getting pissed. Their realtor would bring people to a house for a tour of finished homes and the houses would smell like rotting shit and the toilet bowls would be caked with drying crap. And the poor "jack of all trades" guy they had was the one who kept having to clean this shit up w/o being able to flush as he didn't have a jumper for where the water meter would later go. It was more him taking a bucket and wearing rubber gloves...
That guy started wrapping the toilet bowls with industrial pallet wrap, which is kind of like saran wrap, so that people wouldn't be able to keep crapping in them.
One day we're working on a house not far away and he walks up to us looking furious. Someone apparently had been going into these homes and either cutting a slit in the plastic to shit through or cutting the plastic off completely, and he wanted to know if that had been us. After we told him no we watched him storm off as he went to go figure out who was doing it. He had apparently been keeping track of the days it had happened on and he said he thought he knew who had been doing it. So he walked around talking to more people and we didn't hear anything for an hour or so.
That afternoon we hear what sounded like a fight in the street so we dropped our tools and went outside. It turns out that he had figured out that the fireplace installer had been doing it and when he confronted the guy, the fireplace installer essentially said "fuck off". So the "jack of all trades" guy left for a bit and a later, whenhehad to take a shit, he went to the guys work van, climbed in and took a massive shit on the driver's seat. I think the fistfight took place after the fireplace installer came out and saw someone had shit in his van and the other guy told him that he'd earned it. After the fight was broken up both employers got together - I don't think the fireplace guy was fired, but he had to clean off his seat the best he could and then drive his van home, LOL.