i'm honestly having a real hard time with warframe. i don't like the character models, the camera is too jumpy, even with the mouse sensitivity turned way down i feel like michael j. fox. i don't know, i WANT to like it... i'm just really struggling with it =(
I hear you on the jumpy feeling. I felt the same way when I first started playing, which was at the same time I was playing Firefall. Firefall with its jumpjet boosting felt like a huge evolution in FPS mechanics to me, and the third person shooter just really jived. A friend I was showing Firefall too said I should have a look at Warframe, so I did. Initially it was damned near uncontrollable. The sheer speed the game moved at was unlike anything I'd seen before, controls where so god damned tight, that even flinching would cause me to 360. I dialled back some mouse settings and things improved, but I still had this massive disconnect I couldn't put my finger on.
Didn't take much longer when I realised the disconnect was when I was running away from something, my character would still have an over the shoulder line of sight on the target if I was running away backwards. So my character would turn around on my screen, but I wouldn't need too. This left me able to run fullspeed away from something and still be able to shoot at it. Once I realised that the disconnect was because I was so focused on the position of my warframe on my screen (which was much closer to you in perspective than most TPSs), I could finally look past it, and look at the action. When that happened everything became fluid. In every other game, it's damned near impossible to run away from something, or left, or right, and maintain a sight picture. Wasn't long after that I was jumping all over the place, clinging to walls, sliding under shit and having a blast. Everything else (destiny/bf) all feels like it's mired in quicksand for me at this point. Somewhere in all that, I discovered that melee in Warframe didn't suck, and was even more fun that shooting at shit, but that's for another discussion.
So when I did play D2, I got over the movement aspect, and noticed that it was mobs that where jumping and rolling all over the place in awesome animations, and you, the player were a static target dummy moving left and right for them. Now, mobs in Warframe are more of your target dummy variety, they just added some new guys that have a leap and a knockdown, and a bull rush, so we're seeing new mechanics over time. All of the cool animations and movement is focused on the player, without needing another fucking hotkey to dodge, it's built into the the other subsystems of sprint and crouch.
I have no understanding of why you don't like the models, I do find that odd. But I've got a mate that thinks Overwatch looks awesome, but he won't play Warframe because it's too "spacey" for him.