IIRC The game that we played was made in like 18 months after 5-6 years of various scrapped development cycles. So much of it was bullshit, though.
The world sucked because someone was married to the idea of traversing environments, and you had to have all of these different environment types in small compact spaces, and therefore you had to limit player travel so they see all of this diversity: Such horseshit. You could only fly so far so I can see what the fuck terrain you generated? THE WORLD IS EVER-CHANGING or what the fuck ever they made the story out to be so you can get stoned and put mountains next to underground water tunnels? Someone wants to copy the Prequels? WTF is this shit. It looks cool in the trailer but added so little to the game.
The story wasn't bad per se but so...meh. It's actually not terrible given how poorly optimized the coding of the game was. Shades of diversity but I didn't have a huge problem with it that I recall and I am hypersensitive to the BS. Its been a while, now, and I may just have blotted out whatever that was there.
The combat was really fun, I super enjoyed the Colossus but when someone found out the math was all fucked and the most damaging weapon was your starter pistol because of how they implemented scaling? Come the fuck on. YOUR ENTIRE GAME IS LITERALLY BUILT ON MATH LIES.
I went out and bought external drives for my Xboxes so my kids and I could play it without the long loading times. They weren't bad investments, I still use them with my XSXs today but known that the game was only really developed in the last 18 months before launch, all of the above is to be expected.
There have been bigger disappointments, Star Wars Galaxies, maybe? I am sure, and I am glad someone finally got their Ironman game but this and Andromeda were the end of Bioware as we knew it for sure.