I don't see how this game catches on. I am sure EA will give it a massive marketing push, but I don't think that they have the goods to keep people that fall into their trap. People might try it, then return to Fortnite, Black Ops, Destiny 2, and Overwatch.
The world-setting is a weird mix between Pacific Rim's suits & robots, and the Matrix's world of Zion-multiculturalism & high-tech poverty. In other words, it is fucking shit.
The guns felt more like pea-shooters than blasters. The rockets and grenades felt more like fire-crackers than missiles.
The over-correction while flying made me feel like I was flying on ice... I know, that statement makes no sense... But the momentum pull was so drastic, flying in anything but a straight line felt like trying to ride a giraffe on an ice-skating rink.
I feel like Titanfall 2 & Destiny 1/2 already did everything this game wants to do and they probably did it better.