you too.This is why I struggle to see how it can ever become a "commonly used" currency. That and the fucking volatility in that my 2$ soda will have cost me 500$ if I waited a week
BUT, as a way to make money simply by buying and selling, crypto is fucking awesome. Honestly you could have picked almost any coin this last month, they are almost all up over 50%. BTC will be(stay?) god with ETH/MKR close behind, but plenty of others are making plenty of people rich.
I thought Eth would hit 2k, didnt expect this 1750 plateau.
A ton of ups and down in each. I think shorts on BTC/Eth is a bit crazy. could make just as much betting ON them, as against, without nearly so much risk..
like btc down 1500 right now, over the last hour... 48,000 to 46,500. but, i bet its back to 48000 by the end of the day, if not 49k.
This is why I struggle to see how it can ever become a "commonly used" currency. That and the fucking volatility in that my 2$ soda will have cost me 500$ if I waited a week
BUT, as a way to make money simply by buying and selling, crypto is fucking awesome. Honestly you could have picked almost any coin this last month, they are almost all up over 50%. BTC will be(stay?) god with ETH/MKR close behind, but plenty of others are making plenty of people rich.
Does it require an invite?
If any of you want to get in a crypto super early, check out Pi, can mine on your mobile phone via Pi app, it in minting stage so not out in the wild yet!
man, reading this.. all I could think was, we need to demand every EA game, kickstarter game, etc needs to write up a white paper like this to establish the design goals, purpose of the game, the history of design elements its based on.For any who still have not joined Pi and wish to know more can read the white paper
$49k this morning... getting closer!I feel BTC is gonna break 50k this weekend![]()
Imaging getting your paycheck on Friday paid in BTC and then on Friday night Elon tweets "sold all my BTC".![]()
Bitcoin by the beach: Miami eyes paying workers and collecting taxes in cryptocurrency
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez praised the city's governing commission for passing a resolution Thursday that will study the feasibility of paying employees in bitcoin, as well as allowing residents to pay fees and taxes in
I think they want to give them the option to having part of their pay in bitcoin not the whole thing.
I think the up and downs is ppl selling a section of their BTC to protect from bubble popping. I did the same thing and sold one in case it pops and will be able to buy back in later, but if I'm wrong and it keeps going up, not a problem as I can sell my next BTC at the next level and so on. Just safer than betting all in it goes up only to watch BTC go down to sub 20K and stay there for a year or two.
Yeah, Etherium cannot be everyday currency the way it is going. Need fast and cheap. That is why I hold DGB
DGB is designed to be used for daily payments as qouted below.
"Much faster.
DigiByte transactions are confirmed in approx. 15 seconds, which is 40 times faster than Bitcoin and 10 times faster than Litecoin. SegWit enables up to 1066 on-chain transactions per second and negligible fees make DigiByte the ideal currency for daily payments."
If yo do not want to read, then watch this video