Why are people wrong in thinking ETH has less room to grow than BTC?
BTC is a store of value and that’s the pull there. All of the contracts stuff theorized around ETH ain’t happening. So, what’s the draw?
I'm very much not an expert, but here's what I've gathered from people who
are experts as to why Eth will eventually surpass BTC in value:
1. BTC's environmental footprint limits its upside. Right now the environmental footprint issue affects ALL crypto. For example, "ArtStation, an online marketplace for digital artists, canceled its plans to launch a platform for NFTs within hours after getting a lot of backlash from people who think dealing in crypto art is environmentally unethical. Artists called NFTs an “ecological nightmare pyramid scheme” ". That's from a March 15 Verge article. Now, NFTs are built on Eth, so obviously the environmental footprint issue is affecting more than just BTC at the moment. But as you know, Eth is moving to PoS. Once that happens, Eth's environmental footprint will drop more than 99%, solving the "ecological nightmare" issue. However, BTC will still be dealing with it (and stigmatized by it). As I previously mentioned, I think this is a HUGE benefit for Eth. Regardless of how you (as an individual) feel about environmental issues, there is no question that they are going to be a hot button issue for the foreseeable future, and the fact that Eth is going green within the next year makes it enormously attractive.
2. When Eth moves to Eth 2.0, transactions will "burn" a certain amount of Eth each transaction (effectively removing that Eth from circulation). With enough Eth transactions, Eth will eventually become a
deflationary currency- meaning more Eth is being destroyed each year than generated. This alone would steadily increase the value of Eth.
3. PoS means that owning/holding Eth generates income. Instead of paying miners, people (stakeholders) get paid to just hold Eth. I think you need 32 Eth to be an actual stakeholder, but even if you have less Eth than that, tons of places will let you join their "pool" and get paid to store your Eth with them. Honestly, why would you sink your money into BTC, which pays nothing, when you could put your money into Eth and generate daily income for doing nothing but holding Eth?
4. I've mentioned this before, but the whole DeFi system is pretty much built on Eth. NFTs, which are big and will only get bigger, are built on Eth. When you sell an NFT, you get paid in Eth. As Eth becomes much more usable with Eth 2.0, this trend will only increase.
5. From what I've seen, institutional investment in crypto has been shifting from "just BTC," to "mostly BTC with a little Eth," to (now) "majority Eth with slightly less BTC." One way or the other, for crypto to continue to grow it requires more institutional investment. The fact that institutions are beginning to value Eth over BTC tells me that they realize Eth has far more practical value than BTC- both now and in the future. This is borne out by the fact that Eth has actually outperformed BTC when you look at the percentage increase over the last several months. (EDIT: BTC has increased ~900% in the last year, while Eth has increased ~1,400%)
Here's my thing: I believe that Eth is ultimately going to be the most valuable crypto. But even if it isn't- even if it never surpasses BTC- it's going to continue to rise alongside BTC via sympathy. So worst case scenario, you only 10X your investment over the next few years instead of 500X. That doesn't sound that bad to me...