Hindsight is always a bitch but one of the, apparently not so shitty alt coints I bought was filecoin.
I spent 250$ on it at 22.75$ per filecoin....its now over 140$
I read into a little to try and figure out why, sure someone knows more than me but basically you "mine" FileCoin by running a file hosting rig. You get coins for host and you lose coins if you suck at hosting. However it's not really a game the "little guy" can play.
So a few big players bought 20-30k rigs to do this and sure, made awesome coin but there is no way to get involved for most folks. Now here is the kicker and the part I don't fully understand....you not only need the rig and storage space, you need to "stake" FileCoins in order to be a "miner"(basically a cloud hard drive). However there is a limited supply of file coin only rewarded for hosting and bam, you have a chicken vs. egg thing.
Earn filecoins by hosting, but you cant host without coins, so it drives the price up and makes a huge barrier of entry.
No idea when if or how this shit will change so this is one of those fuck me situations where if this were a stock I would take my insane profits and move on or try to catch another dip, etc. But since it's a coin and I dont understand what they will do and how that will affect price(beyond obvious)...and the fact that I only invested 250 so I am only @ x6 or 1.7k, I dont really need that money bad enough to jump ship. I'll ride it like I will bitcoin and ethereum, which is to say until I retire or want to retire.
Mostly I'm just kicking myself for not putting more in
For those trading like I would stocks, what do you use? The fucking "fees", both the ones charged by the exchange and the "gas" fees for doing various shit seem so fucking high that in order to make money swings need to move 5% just to cover the fees and make a reasonable profit!
I was looking more into the Binance Staking and Lending system instead as a way to have my idle coins grow. Staking seems safe but of course lending systems are a bit at risk and apparently have been hacked a few times which sucks. I really think the idea of crowd sourced lending is a neat idea and wish someone figured out a safer way to do it.