Yep, that was a nice surprise. Though given what I was reading yesterday about the COIN situation giving cryptos a bump today it wasn't too much of a surprise.
My strategy is to hold Ethereum since I think it's on a steady climb and not worry about the ups and downs. Bitcoin I see as more volatile just because it has a lot more people (read: inexperienced, reactionary people) involved. So I'm more likely to sell/buy BTC while leaving Eth alone. That said, Mana has been #1 for flipping (just not on Coinbase with their fees) for me.
Today I sold BTC at 63k, with the expectation that it'll drop by the end of the week after the COIN hype train is over. Today's spike was in advance of the COIN IPO tomorrow, but I don't know if that means it goes down tomorrow or goes down the next day.