I understand where you're coming from. Its probably the most common objection to the Bitcoin standard. People smarter than me have laid out strong arguments to counter the point so I won't bother trying to rehash them but I would suggest some questions worth asking yourself about this:
1. With the current monetary situation we're in what can governments do to avoid debt defaults or massive inflation to print away the debts? US interest payments are nearly higher than GDP.
2. How does an inflationary currency deal with the deflationary pressure brought on from technological advances long term?
3. How long will our current monetary system built on technical rails from the 70's persist? What can replace it and be 'better'?
4. Is this system superior to Bitcoin? Is it more durable, portable, divisible, scarce, uniform, acceptable (private) and a superior medium of exchange? If not to any of those questions, why is it better and why would we adopt it?
5. Are you SURE that governments have the capability to enforce any sort of attack on Bitcoin? Government is just people... people that probably own Bitcoin.
6. Does anyone anywhere actually want governments to be in charge of the money? Are we really so afraid of a relatively small group of rich globalist fucks that we'll give up on a non-sovereign currency before its been defeated?
I accept that Bitcoin could fail. I'm not really confident in the Governments ability to defeat it though. Gov is generally incompetent at this point. The uber rich have clearly gotten complacent because Bitcoin has come this far. I would argue it is more likely to happen at this point than it is to fail. The rich will just buy more Bitcoin than any of us here could hope to own and remain rich. Just... relatively less rich because they're largely going to come in late.
I don't buy the narrative that the government/globalists can just snap their fingers and the world's population will capitulate to their will. There is a fight to be had yet, we're in that right now. I'm not ready to accept that we will bow down to inflationary slavery as the IMF + WEF etc create their international privacy destroying money. I don't think that's a foregone conclusion at all.
A Bitcoin standard would mean that you could work to earn BTC, then just save your income and it will appreciate in value over time. This is the way that money has worked outside of the multiple failed fiat regimes we've experienced throughout history. People shouldn't need to be market experts to maintain the value of their work over time. The ramifications of that simple shift are astronomical. Prices should drop as the market gets more efficient.
However, I don't think the USD dies anytime soon. In fact, I think Bitcoin strengthens the dollar in the short/med term. US holds a lot of crypto assets, and the strongest fiat currency to buy more. I think the shift is going to happen faster than anyone expects, but its going to be complicated. Bitcoin is still only seen as a store of value, people don't understand its value as a unit of account or medium of exchange. If layer 2 works out the way I think it will (see Strike and their ability to send fiat instantly world-wide for free via Lightning network) it is going to blow everyone's mind. No traditional financial institution is safe unless they adapt.
Good post, and I'm not trying to crap on bitcoin per se, I'm just saying the very point of the monetary system is corruption and they will squash any threat to continuing the grift. Corruption is a feature, not a bug.
To address your bullet points:
1. They don't care. They don't care about avoiding any of that. They talk about it, but they will collapse the entire system before they actually take action so it's a moot point.
2. How long term are we talking? After a collapse of a currency? At that point, it doesn't matter. Governments and economies don't operate on geologic timelines, 20 years is a long time in monetary policy terms, and 50 years is about as long as any currency system lasts without major reforms. We are in that window now if you look at the last time the dollar shifted which was when we went off the gold standard in the early '70s.
3. Not much longer. What will replace it will be either a digital dollar, or more likely the Yuan. China's problems will magically disappear if they become the world's reserve currency, just like all of our stupid policies like QE are masked by being the world's reserve currency.
4. Bitcoin isn't built on debt, and debt is the point of the current system. Like I said, it's a feature not a bug, it's how they fuck everyone and accrue all wealth to themselves over time. Going away from that is needed I agree, but it won't come without a massive upheaval and that upheaval is very unlikely to come from within the US sphere of influence. The central banks/fed are simply too powerful. Whether it meets all of those goals is irrelevant to our current rulers, and that's who's going to decide whether it lives or dies, not us.
5. Governments are full of the incompetent, true. But the people who ACTUALLY control govs: fed reserve, wall street, central banks, etc are pretty much the most competent and ruthless people on the planet. If you think the actual 'people' of the US or west have any say in the government's monetary policy, or any policy that affects the aforementioned people... well I have this great fractional ownership deal on a large clock in London I'd like to share with you. Or maybe we can ask all those people who are currently serving time for all the bullshit that caused the 2008 collapse... oh wait...
6. Afraid of a few globalists personally? No. Afraid of the militaries they control? The nukes they control? Their ability to dictate 'reality' through the media? Yes. You do understand these people control TRILLIONS of dollars and all western govs through their proxies and by extension their militaries, including the US military? We're talking about the entire system here. Monetary policy is at the root of it, and there is no way in hell that while these people still have power they will brook any serious competitor to that power.
Don't get me wrong, I think if bitcoin or some other decentralized currency were allowed to do its thing like you're talking about, it would unfuck the world in many many ways like you say. But the powers that control the world's money will never allow that to happen BECAUSE of that very reason.
This is all just my opinion though and I seem to becoming more cynical by the minute, so grain of salt and all that