Thanks! Will do!Make a spreadsheet w your investment and the fees. Then have it setup to show you what you’ll pay in fees and taxes if you sell.
You have to make > 15-20% return if you want to make money.
Finally folded and set up a Coinbase account. Bought my first 0.0023 BTC! Gonna sell them in 2 days time. This is just a test run. If it all goes well I'm thinking of buying a lot more. At the moment I have it linked to my Credit Card.
Any tips for a first time person? I'm looking to buy and hold long time (1+ year) as both a savings but also a hedge against the crazy shit most Fait currencies are engaging in at the moment. Also, note that I'm a Euro Bro, so some of the USA only stuff won't apply to me.
How Wyoming became the promised land for bitcoin investors
Wyoming’s economy is powered by some of the oldest industries in human history, including mining, agriculture and tourism. But in recent years the state
Bullshit we haven't seen inflation. Yes, if you use the government's manipulated definitions, sure. Like transitory increase don't count; for instance if we have an increase of 100% on all goods and services from 2020 to 2021, but it's a one time increase, that's technically not "inflation." Or when they change the basket used for CPI every year or two, you never get a consistent number for inflation either.
Everything has become massively more expensive in just the last 6 months. It has to when you add another $8 trillion in a year.
IMO, the crypto "do's" are simple:
1. Do invest in two or three coins you like, preferably coins with a good use case, an active, talented development team, and an already established record of success (I personally like ETH and VET).
2. Do hold onto them until you can cash out without feeling like you need to buy back in. This may take several years. Once it happens, cash out for a massive profit and enjoy your money.
Here are my crypto "do not's":
1. Do not invest in a shitcoin (i.e. a coin without a use case that was created as a pyramid/PnD scheme).
2. Do not give into the temptation to immediately cash out when your coin doubles or triples (with crypto this happens all the time and usually quickly).
3. Do not give into the temptation to try and swing trade crypto (sell with the intent of buying back in during a dip).
4. Do not hover over the charts agonizing over every move your crypto makes (this will help you avoid numbers 2 and 3).
Obviously this is my own personal strategy. Like I've said before, different people have different strategies and goals. My personal goal is to buy crypto, be patient, and then cash out 75% of my position for a massive profit down the line. Adhering to the "do not's" is way harder than it seems.
IMO, the crypto "do's" are simple:
1. Do invest in two or three coins you like, preferably coins with a good use case, an active, talented development team, and an already established record of success (I personally like ETH and VET).
2. Do hold onto them until you can cash out without feeling like you need to buy back in. This may take several years. Once it happens, cash out for a massive profit and enjoy your money.
Here are my crypto "do not's":
1. Do not invest in a shitcoin (i.e. a coin without a use case that was created as a pyramid/PnD scheme).
2. Do not give into the temptation to immediately cash out when your coin doubles or triples (with crypto this happens all the time and usually quickly).
3. Do not give into the temptation to try and swing trade crypto (sell with the intent of buying back in during a dip).
4. Do not hover over the charts agonizing over every move your crypto makes (this will help you avoid numbers 2 and 3).
Obviously this is my own personal strategy. Like I've said before, different people have different strategies and goals. My personal goal is to buy crypto, be patient, and then cash out 75% of my position for a massive profit down the line. Adhering to the "do not's" is way harder than it seems.
You’ll do great over time.It's Saturday night, you know what that means. I bought $1000 of VET at .177 after selling at .195 on Friday. Did I make anything overall? Probably a pretty meager amount. But when it gets back to .22 (buy-in average) I should have a little more than I started with. At least it worked out in terms of numbers.
Gonna leave VET alone now and whatever happens happens. If it gets to 3x what I started with in the future, maybe I'll take out the initial investment and leave the rest in as basically house money to see how it goes over the next few years. Dunno. I'm definitely wanting to leave this alone for now though. Trading for meager profits is stress I don't need TBH.
Yep- your method is actually both the safer and more conventional method because you take profits along the way. My way is riskier but pays better if everything works like it's supposed to.I would make an addendum to #2. I invest with a strategy of having "long holds" (which for me are BTC and ETH), and "moonbags" which are 1-3% of my bucket put into altcoins I think have upside. Those moonbags are where my addendum to #2 comes in. When one of them explodes (2x or more) I plan to take out 25%, then 25% at 3x, etc until I have my original investment out. That all goes into my long hold positions to increase them.
That way once I cash out my initial "seed" in the moonbag I'm playing with house money on those and I can be flexible on letting things run or pulling things out.
I wonder if there is a way to analytics crypto like they do in sports. It feels like there are patterns to it's ups and downs but I just can't put a finger on it.
AsiaI can definitely say that weird stuff happens in the middle of the night with crypto. I've seen some huge spikes at 2 AM - 3 AM EST. Also seems to reliably spike Monday and Tuesday mornings between 9 AM and 10 AM. Other than that, I don't know.
Check what time it is on the other side of the globe.I can definitely say that weird stuff happens in the middle of the night with crypto. I've seen some huge spikes at 2 AM - 3 AM EST. Also seems to reliably spike Monday and Tuesday mornings between 9 AM and 10 AM. Other than that, I don't know.
I wonder if there is a way to analytics crypto like they do in sports. It feels like there are patterns to it's ups and downs but I just can't put a finger on it.
It's Saturday night, you know what that means. I bought $1000 of VET at .177 after selling at .195 on Friday. Did I make anything overall? Probably a pretty meager amount.