You have little-to-no idea what you're talking about. Yeah, the 70s were a complete shitshow, mostly due to energy economics, but past that, "The Fed" has kept the US dollar's inflation incredibly low vs other currencies for most of the past 40 years. US inflation has remained as good or better with the other most stable currencies in the world:
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What happened after 1980 that caused compensation to remain stagnant is that the Reagan Republicans were able to successfully re-brand any kind of pro-worker movement/policies as 'socialism' and therefore an evil that had to be combatted, then somehow over the next 40 years, perfected the practice of duping working class whites into voting against their own economic interests. "Working Class Hero" Donald J. Trump appointed 234 federal judges hand-picked by the most powerful corporations in America, by shadowy group within the Federalist Society, guaranteed to rule in the most anti-worker ways possible. This was done in the same way that white southern plantation owners were able to convince white southern workers, impoverished by the practice of slavery devaluing labor, to wage one of the most gruesome wars in the history of man against their own economic interests. I'm sorry that white American males, particularly in the south, are that consistently and reproducibly manipulated in the same dumb ways, but they are.