1. Buy ETH
2. Hodl ETH
3. Get rich
This is the only way.
Delete your apps, destroy your phone, go live in a cave in the desert and contemplate life for 5 years. Then return to civilization wiser and much, much richer.gonna delete my apps and rediscover i have millions in like 10 yrs
solid plan right?
I’m gonna wait til tomorrow / weekend myself. We’ll see if it’s the right roll of the dice.Yeah, right about now that's looking like the right call. I also sold my MANA and ADA a few weeks ago and then they went way up.
Well, I'm sticking with VET. If this causes VET to never grow again...well, I owe everyone an apology, but I'm not going to jump out of it any time soon.
Getting back in over the weekend is probably the way to go, but I got back in at .1850 today because I don't see it crashing to the degree that we predicted. Yeah, it seems like the "crash" was already pre-emptively going on before the speech. Though I did make some gains, selling at .21 a couple days ago and buying at .185. I don't think it's going to end up at .15 or anything crazy like that. Was thinking today would be the day of a large sell-off but not really.
In retrospect I'm probably buying back in too early. Good chance it'll be better to get it on the weekend. Right now it's all about getting the best deal before it rebounds. It's still following a similar price trajectory to what MANA was doing a few months ago.
gonna delete my apps and rediscover i have millions in like 10 yrs
solid plan right?
Delete your apps, destroy your phone, go live in a cave in the desert and contemplate life for 5 years. Then return to civilization wiser and much, much richer.
Didn't work for this guy...sounds like a great opportunity to get frozen in stasis and come back out in 10 years the same age and a fuckton richer
sounds like a great opportunity to get frozen in stasis and come back out in 10 years the same age and a fuckton richer
I don't have time to dig up sources right now but look into stranded energy and how Bitcoin can monetize it. Have a big river in Iceland that is too far away from civilization to utilize? Put in some mining rigs and a Blockstream satellite and you've effectively monetized 'unusable' energy. Own 1000 acres in the Sahara? Build a solar array with Bitcoin rigs. You've just monetized previously worthless real estate and increased human productivity by transmuting real energy into digital value.
Civilization has been built around trade routes historically. It could be built around energy sources in the future.
I'm not being condescending when I say you need to do some research. Your questions have answers if you take the time to look. You shouldn't trust me or anyone else to figure it out for you.
Inorite. I was telling Gal Gadot the exact samething last night at dinner.Well that's definitely a true story.
I dunno about the story specifically, but I used it as an example for a reason. It's not uncommonWell that's definitely a true story.
Although Iceland is home to some of the largest Bitcoin mining facilities in the world,
But there are some cryptocurrency miners based in countries such as Iceland and Norway, where most energy production is almost 100% renewable, via hydro-electricity and geothermal energy.
Iceland, Sweden and Norway have been popular mining locations because of an abundance of geothermal, hydro and wind power.
even though they've not followed each other for a while, it's usually not this blatant
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