OK, regarding NFT's.
Maybe I'm just that last luddite but to me I still don't get real value in just trading "limited edition" JPGs. I see the real purpose of NFTs, and I think if/when that is realized we'll see the real market for them happen. RIght now though, and some of you Jpeg Junkies please correct me on how I'm wrong here, it just seems like MTG cards, without the underlying game to give any of them value past rarity....
Where I see the value of these is when they're tied to real function. For example, let's say
Lightning Lord Rule
wanted to NFT this bitch all up.... You could have an NFT for :
Anything in the online store
Access Pass for the Gun Forum
Access Pass for the Politics Forum
All the currencies you can spend/accumulate could easily be done in crypto as well... And then be traded/used from a wallet.
The advantage though would be that then other websites could code things based on these same validated keys/items... For instance I could set up my website to only show people pictures of an unfortunate nature... Unless they connected their ETH wallet and I saw the Gun Forum, and Politics forum keys, which would be safe from illicit duplication by nature of being blockchain enabled NFTs, so it would then open up and show them the forum where we plan the new order for 2024, etc...
On another example that seems to fit would be the ability to do cross MMO/Cross game use of items/characters. Much akin to Ready Player One's store where he bought things like the Zmeckis cube.
Another real world example would be concert/game tickets. That BEGS to be an NFT marketplace. You just eliminated forged tickets, and made them where if they're resold to individuals the originating team/entertainer can get a cut automatically.
Same goes for purchasing digital music/media such as movies/games. This would allow them to be traded without being duplicated.
Until then is it really anything other than pump and dump JPG hustling? And how long until real world applications come into play? And which platforms will benefit/lead in those RW applications?