regulation is NOT the answer
smarter market participants are
Hopefully after this, bitcoin market participants will be smart enough to realize that they need to fix their code so shit like this malleability-related theft is doesn't happen.
The next lessons they learn the hard way afterwards, in order are:
1. Give the cryptocurrency intrinsic value.
2. Don't fuck with governments monopoly on currencies.
Yeah, if only everyone was smarter and behaved like perfect rational actors then the market would work flawlessly. Well minus all the ways markets break all on their own anyways. I'm sure this bunch is finally the ones who finally cast off human nature and solve this problem for the first time in human history. By cargo culting modern finance and economy. Somehow.
If you think that exchanges, banks, and funds operating within a black box are going to magically eradicate large scale theft, fraud, greed, and incompetence through the goodness of people's hearts then I applaud your optimism, but I'm troubled by your naivete.
The chief problem is that bitcoin solved how to make a decentralized trustless network, but didn't address any problems that a decentralized network creates. It's horrendously inefficient, and even the absolutely paltry number of bitcoin transactions currently consumes as much power as a small country each day. When you combine this base inefficiency with problems of scale and inability to adapt you've got a clusterfuck.
The next steps are figuring out how provide proof or work and secure the network in such a way as to not encourage an arms race to the bottom, while providing a protocol that is adaptable without hard forking itself every time you want to try and change something. Also, a sane method of distribution and creation. I also have no idea how a decentralized currency/commodity/weird hybrid is suppose to respond to developing economic conditions. I'd guess the true believers would say that the market will just work itself out, which is not an answer grounded in either history or reality. It's just a fucking endless series of things that need to be addressed to make a functional decentralized e-coin. Bitcoin was a first step. Much more actual innovation and considered study are needed, which are things I've never once seen in the cyptocurrency community.