I hope I do, that way we can all see what brilliant crypto analysis you bring to the thread, like how you can just copy an NFT, or how Aave is too fucking complicated to use, because you won't be distracted by not understanding all the new projects that I bring to the thread. You three fucking idiots that ride my jock strap every fucking time I post a new project to the thread can fuck off and ignore me for all I give a shit, no one fucking cares what you think, and I'm going to keep calling you an idiot every fucking time you open your mouth with some stupid bullshit like Ethereum being a security.
I've already offered the thread my opinion on what the SEC will do with regards to regulating crypto -- and I mostly have no idea. We did spend literal pages going over why Ethereum is not a security, and it ended with the two Bitcoin maximalists refusing to cede that Ethereum did not have a 70% premine because they think Vitalik and his buddies are going to rug the crypto community or some other stupid shit. And then nothing new happened with regards to Ethereum being classified as a security, andFlobee goes and posts to be fucking worried about it anyway, and you jumped on because ??? WHO THE FUCK KNOWS?
There was no 70% premine, that is bullshit Bitcoin maximalist FUD intended to disparage ETH as a, what was it that Lightning retard said, an inflation of the asset class? There was a 9-12% premine, depending on what numbers you're using, and it was for a few accredited investors and the Ethereum Foundation itself. The rest of the coins in the Ethereum ICO were offered to the public, which made it mechanically no different than mining.
Here, from the last time we talked about it in early August: Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies
So, there was a premine. Glad we agree.
What's strange is that despite 6 years of proven Ethereum development and success, you somehow still frame the ICO as somehow nefarious and not the totally legitimate tool it was to distribute coins on a fair basis. No, ICOs were not "clearly securities", but there were clear securities utilizing ICOs, yes.
There was a 9-12% premine, depending on what numbers you're using...
So you just quote me saying "there was no 70% premine", and then you say "but Vitalik said there was a premine" and then think I'm agreeing with you...
and it ended with the two Bitcoin maximalists refusing to cede that Ethereum did not have a 70% premine
Vitalek has said, on video, that there was a premine.
There was no 70% premine
So, there was a premine. Glad we agree.
Go buy some land... not the digital kind.Got some extra funds for the first time in a bit, and perfect timing with the lull. Do I get BTC, Eth, or add more to help my struggling alts (VET mainly)? I'm generally inclined to say Eth, but it's at this weird mid-ground where it seems like simultaneously a terrible time to buy and a terrible time to sell.
let me fucking spell it out for you…
the fucking difference between a 70% premine and a 9-12% premine is one of the differences between being a security and being a commodity.