$ value I hold more ETH than BTC. You buying BTC won't move the price. Buying TRU with its miniscule marketcap might though. You're being kind of silly with that line of thought.
I'm not here to help myself or BTC. BTC is going to survive and thrive without you or me. I'm trying to convince a group of my peers that they would be better served getting on this train now rather than later when its obvious that its won and the alts they bought are worse than toilet paper. I don't believe BTC is all that risky anymore, I think its inevitable. That is clearly my OPINION but its one I hold strongly. I'm not trying to act holier than thou, its genuinely how I feel and my posting history bears this out.
Honestly its an opsec vulnerability posting here about crypto at all. There are MUCH smarter people than me that read this thread who hold more than I do and keep their mouth shut about it. That is the truly self interested course of action.

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