Haven't those 3 conditions already happened?
Interest in crypto and NFTs has cratered and most big growthy tech stocks are over 50% off their highs.
Crypto was never super relevant to the overall market anyway; at it's height, all of crypto's market cap was still less than Apple + MSFT combined.
Agreed, interest in NFTs and retail interest in crypto has cratered and big growth tech stocks are down at least 50% on the year. None of that stuff is deniable. I don't think we are quite at the bottom though.
Interest in big growth tech stocks and crypto is minimal, but it's not completely fucking dead- and I think that's what Burry was saying needs to happen. Plenty of people are still holding on, assuming we will get a bounce back in the near future because they have recency bias. I think the timeline needs to lengthen a little more and those people need to get shaken out before we truly hit the bottom.
Take a look at the last "crypto winter" on the 5y BTC chart. If you use December 2017 as the last peak, you see that the following downward trend took almost exactly a year. We didn't hit the nadir until around December 2018. Then, things moved sideways for the next 3 or 4 months before BTC started climbing out of the hole. If you want to use that as a template, we are probably in the current equivalent to something like April 2018- i.e. still a ways to go. Not that I think we should assume things will line up perfectly with the last crypto winter though. It may be a similar scenario, but it won't be exactly the same. As the saying goes, history doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes.
Personally, I see a lot more volatility in the future. The global "bad guys"- China, Russia, Iran, NK- aren't done fucking around. Some of them are just getting started. Inflation isn't really easing, despite the rate increases. The US midterms and other impending politically charged events have the potential to plunge our country into civil unrest. There's also the European energy crisis. Oh, and it's pretty clear we are already in the early stages of a global recession.
So no, I personally don't believe we have quite hit the bottom. It's not just that things are bad- you can build a better economy on top of a shitty economy, as long as things are relatively stable. Things are still far too volatile to start rebuilding imo.
Of course this is all just rampant speculation on my part. Now that I've put this out in the universe, the universe will almost certainly arrange a huge rebound to new highs, just to remind me I don't know wtf I'm talking about. So you're welcome