Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
- 5,571
- 34,741
i would wager that the illegitimate uses still outweigh the legitimate uses by a couple orders of magnitude.
for someone using BTC as currency instead of an investment vehicle, it's main advantage over USD is still that it can be discretely exchanged for illegal things.
It's a great mechanism for getting money out of countries with currency controls. For example China has their currency pegged against the US dollar, and for that to work they have to maintain a level of reserves so that anyone who asks for an amount of Yuan in US dollars they can provide it to maintain the price. So to prevent a mass exodus of funds out of the country they limit how much can be converted by citizens to foreign currencies. Bitcoin is a great mechanism to get around this, and from my perspective it gets around the China's problem with exchanging currency because you're selling the crypto coins in the foreign country to get the money you want. The Chinese government doesn't have to touch their reserves for you to exchange your yuan for other currencies. They've banned exchanges but I'm sure that the activity still happens regardless.
I'd be curious if long term that cryptocurrencies have to force the price of the yuan to increase because it really does "float" against those currencies instead of being pegged. Alternatively if nobody will trade your currency for crypto coins what does that mean? This stuff is fascinating because it bypasses traditional methods for controlling the value of things and allows you to globally peg somethings worth regardless of political/economic systems.