Ughhhh dude.... I feel so bad for you.
I seriously hope you make some money, but you are way to emotionally invested. Amazon has no relevance whatsoever to any of these coins. Using that sort of historical comparative analysis is dangerous even when looking at similar companies. You have a major case of confirmation bias going on as do many other crypto "investors". Notice how you continually cite companies like Amazon that had major success? Why not reference the thousands of failed companies in the last 20 years?
Apple never broke into the teens for over twenty years and then surged to $700.00 a share in a matter of several. Does that mean we should all rush out and buy underdog tech stocks? had the exact same business model as Amazon until they got into AWS, Video, Music, etc. How many Overstock investors are kicking themselves for picking that over Amazon?
I'm not trying to crucify you here, or make you feel bad. I'm just trying to show you that you have a major confirmation bias. Best of luck with whatever you choose to do. Even if one of your flash in the pan investments happens to work don't let it get to your head, or you'll lose it just as fast.