Lace?I just want some Samurai armor type shit not this lace nightie bullshit.
But Draegan...You can click off costume piece appearances.
The only costumes with stats right now are:Lace?
The fuck game are you playing?
Change channels and they will fix.Also what the hell is up with this game bug with hair. Every one of my characters has black hair as soon as they enter game but it's fine in character select.
This made my day. Got a screenshot?The olf-armor thing withnly costumes with stats right now are:
1) Ghillie Suit
2) MiniSkirt Kimono
3) Negligee with wings
4) Negligee without wings
5) Imagine Van Helsing as a hooker
6) Weird white cloth/lace ha gold trim pieces
7) Plum default 'armor' dress (admittedly the least bad looking but still not really armor)
8) Weaboo Murloc costume
9) English riding costume that lets you know you need to lose a few pounds
Training strength and weight limit is easy. Buy a cheap item off a trader and have it go into your inventory (makes a pack). Then use the autoloop feature on the map and press T. Your guy walks back and forth with the pack and gets weight training. Use this overnight while you sleep and do it in a safe area where you won't die.Finally starting to figure some stuff out on this game. I'm having quite a bit of fun with this one and I haven't played an mmorpg this steadily in a long time. I do have a question though. Is it best to consume the food that you make or sell it? Also, I haven't quite figured out the strength (from trading town to town) and health (eating food) benefits. Still level one on both of those but close to level two. Got my processing and fishing to apprentice two and working on the float quest from Croix in Velia now. I've bought several hoes and I've been farming potatoes right outside of town when I have the energy. Is that the best way to go about getting flour?