<Bronze Donator>
- 1,061
- 1,447
My experience with Sorc's has been that they are horribly bursty pains in the ass, as a Musa I struggle with them, but some of that could be learn to play on my part. I've yet to really sit down and polish up on other classes for pvp purposes, so pvp in general is kind of spotty for me. I've picked up a few things, like not running into Tamers pet stun, and since I've played a Zerk I can spot a lot of their grabs and when to rush in or out on them. Hopefully Sorc's didn't get uber walloped, but from I've seen and heard, it wasn't a complete dump on them.
The increase in mob Combat and Skill xp is refreshing. On higher level mobs like Helms, Elrics, Rogues, Manes, etc it went from a couple of percent an hour, to 10 or more percent an hour. Should be able to hit 56 playing casually in a couple more nights, when before I was looking at a couple of weeks since I don't have a cohesive block of time to join a farming group at Pirates normally. Casuals should be able to hit 57 pretty easily now, and anyone trying should be 58 or higher fairly soon. Moving armor and weapon tier upgrades to Black Spirit with reform stones is another excellent change along with Cron stones to help buffer against downgrading. Still RNG as all hell, but some of the improvements and quality of life changes from Korea are starting to trickle in. All the hardcore, no lifers QQ'ing in general makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
The increase in mob Combat and Skill xp is refreshing. On higher level mobs like Helms, Elrics, Rogues, Manes, etc it went from a couple of percent an hour, to 10 or more percent an hour. Should be able to hit 56 playing casually in a couple more nights, when before I was looking at a couple of weeks since I don't have a cohesive block of time to join a farming group at Pirates normally. Casuals should be able to hit 57 pretty easily now, and anyone trying should be 58 or higher fairly soon. Moving armor and weapon tier upgrades to Black Spirit with reform stones is another excellent change along with Cron stones to help buffer against downgrading. Still RNG as all hell, but some of the improvements and quality of life changes from Korea are starting to trickle in. All the hardcore, no lifers QQ'ing in general makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.