Getting an outfit off the market cost 330 million silver each now, hardly chump change. If you're paying silver for cron stones you might as well just buy them from a vendor. It's about paying cash so you don't have to spend silver. Which is the same issue with Artisans. P2W is P2W. Are all these things P2W? Yes. Are they a big deal? No, not really. I mean it is a PVP game, but you can pretty much avoid that aspect if you want.
Cliff's weapon quest is not every time you return, it's three quests which let you choose main, sub, or awakening, and that's it. It's 3 quests once per account. And they sell for 150 mil for Duo, 300 mil at Tri and 700 mil for Tet. Selling them for 100 mil would be silly considering how easily you can enhance them.
So, yeah, if someone is not interested in going hardcore into guild battles, or trying to contest the best grinding spots, the P2W shit isn't really an issue. But, it still exist. I don't really have a problem with it. My main issues with the game are the RNG enhancing bullshit and the fact that it would be 100x better if it was a sandbox game.