Started rolling my fairy, stopped cause I ran out of lemurio feed shit somehow, consumes quite a lot to level up. Anyway feathery step V on 2 rerolls on first skill, then proceeded to spend like 40bucks into getting miracle cheer V(and I feel I was kinda lucky? Only like 10% chance those odds aren't good when rolling with money). Stuck at lvl 26 until I farm more, I could buy stuff to feed but seems pointless as I already have the 2 things I wanted anyway so I'll just slowly feed stuff I farm while I finish my mana pot.
Also today after reading the event pages I remembered there was supposed to be a minigame for gathering they added at some point, looked it up cause it never proced for me, had to do a quest. So I did that(and god the quest sucks, figures it's a loml quest but gets you running all around the fucking island). Minigame is nice, lets you dump energy faster.