In game screenshot means Slumbering shows as PEN. It's only on Garmoth where you get the actual enhancement level.
Anyway, that's crazy for two months. Did you already have the PEN Crescent? Cause if not, that means you did like 200b in grinding in those two months.
Edit: Just realized he's the one who was pulling 50b silver/hr at blood wolves. No wonder.
If you look closely to the screenshot you can see red pips under the V on the armour, that's the enhancement level, so first screenshot only the chest is PRI, the other two are base. The next screenshot with the PEN Urugon's, there's red pips on all three pieces to get me to 378 (there's also the +1DP from hunters outfit and a further +1DP from the global boss blitz buff). Not sure if the pips have always been there or not.
I had 2x TET Crescents and a TET Layton (didn't have the PEN Capotia Necklace, and I had the belt) when I left season, I bought them ages ago when I last played as a Hash. I'm almost 100% sure this is what my gear looked like. I bought the necklace, the rings and the Heve helmet, enhanced the rest.
2 weeks ago I had finished the Jetina PEN Narc and tapped the PEN Bhegs. I bought a TET Tungrad Earring and the Fallen God chest. I then had enough dreamy crystals to rank up a TRI capotia earring to PEN and converted it to a necklace so I had a backup, I also did the same to a TRI capotia ring so I had a ring backup.
That put me at around 285ap. I then got so unbelievably lucky, I still shake my head. I tapped the Crescent to PEN and then the Laytons to PEN. This put me at 293ap and changed the way I was looking to progress, I had planned to focus on my DP and purchase my accessories over time.
I sold a mana potion and bought a TET Disto, I then converted my PEN Narc to a PEN Crescent and this put me at 299. I tapped the Godr to TRI and pushed the Kutum from R4 to PEN and C7 for the extra ap to take me to 301ap.
I still had a TET Crescent and waffled for 3 days over it, thinking about selling it for the 6b or tapping it. I had a 160 stack, which is an 8.5% chance at PEN. Well, the fucking thing went and I sold it almost immediately for 51b. I had about 5k caphras so I bought the rest to make the Labreska Helm and the Dahn's gloves. Left me with about 23b in the bank which I've used to pre-order a Garmoth's Heart/Inverted -- whichever comes first, there's like 300 pre-orders on both.
TLDR - I tapped 2 Crescents and Layton (plus a PEN Bhegs and a TRI Godr) for a total gain of 190 billion.