I sometimes prefer playing the under represented class, but not if they're really much weakerUnless you dislike the class I'd keep with the wizard/witch! There is a reason there are so many of them and so few Giants.

I sometimes prefer playing the under represented class, but not if they're really much weakerUnless you dislike the class I'd keep with the wizard/witch! There is a reason there are so many of them and so few Giants.
Giants are fine in 1 pvp if you can anim cancel and play really well. In group pvp they are great for lockdowns, spin to win is mostly a pve mechanic.I heard Giants are Bad in 1v1 but in grp pvp they are great cause of their spin to win crowd control.
My sorc is still low level but she is not your typical mmo magic wielder. Lots of in your face attacks. Some range also, but you can't rely on it. I love it, but usually play warrior type classes. So the up close and personal stuff works for me.I normally enjoy playing ranged classes, specifically Mage style classes, however am having second thoughts now it looks like everyone and their dog play wizard/witch/ranger. Is sorc more melee than ranged? Not sure what to play now!
Every popular grinding spot was overcrowded like a van with Mexicans all the way up to 40. The respawn for some spots was so high though you didn't even need to move, even with 5 people. I'd say there were close to 300 people just at Monastery the first time through.How's the pop? Judging by what i've read this isn't quite a traditional MMO experience (maybe it is) but are there people in newbie areas going berserk over every rat and bat? Anyone care to give their first 30 min - 1 hour experience of the game?
Ditto, a guest pass would be much appreciated!I am really interested in trying this out. Feels like everything ArcheAge could have been if it was done better. If someone has a guest pass lying around I'd love to check the game out.
Ask again on the 3rd. Nobody has any activated yet.Ditto, a guest pass would be much appreciated!