Black Desert


<Gold Donor>
Thank you very much for the write up -- exactly what I was looking for and covered all the key bullet points I wanted to know about. Very much appreciated! I'll probably pick it up here for $30 and give it a shot -- since there's no subscription fee it's a lot more palatable to me. If there was a subscription there would be no chance I would get it I don't think -- it would take quite a game to get me back into paying a monthly sub.


On the verandah
The graphical pop-in (and pop out!) in this game is by far the worst I've ever seen. Totally kills any immersion in the game world for me. First time I've ever completely regretted a game purchase.

Big shame really because I was having fun with the Sorcerer. Shelved.


The graphical pop-in (and pop out!) in this game is by far the worst I've ever seen. Totally kills any immersion in the game world for me. First time I've ever completely regretted a game purchase.

Big shame really because I was having fun with the Sorcerer. Shelved.


On the verandah
Of all the reasons not to like a game...
In one of the early game seaside towns, simplywalkingup the road will cause entire clusters of road litter, fence palings, clumps of grass and NPCs to just blink into existence several yards ahead. The NPCs start off as black lumps until their textures load. Backing off several yards will cause these same things to just blink out of existence again. They don't even stay loaded in display memory! At one particular intersection, several horses, NPCs, players, Wagons and other things can be made to similarly blink in and out of existence,all at the same time.

This occurs regardless of graphics detail selected, from the lowest to the highest settings, including "high end" mode. i7 + GTX970 + Samsung SSD

If this is how they engineered their seamless open world, they failed miserably. Wish I had stumbled across the deluge of reports regarding the severity of this issue, before purchasing the game. Oh well.


<Gold Donor>
The graphical pop-in (and pop out!) in this game is by far the worst I've ever seen. Totally kills any immersion in the game world for me. First time I've ever completely regretted a game purchase.

Big shame really because I was having fun with the Sorcerer. Shelved.
Bothered me the first few days but I quickly forgot about it/don't even notice it. YMMV clearly. Granted it doesn't seem like I have it as bad as you. Try turning off high end mode. It taxes the hell out of things including your 970.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The pop in shouldn't be that bad. Got a video demonstrating pop in like you say? If you upload what you're seeing we may be able to tell you if that's normal or not.


Trakanon Raider
I understand the complaint as others have mentioned it on various forums but honestly, I really don't notice it as much anymore. It's not "that" bad to begin with but every now and again, you'll get some that obstructs your field of vision but it's not a deal breaker for me.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
The good news is, even in boss fights and zergy areas, the frame rate never dips more than 10% for me, it's pretty sick. So I guess thats the benefit of the pop in graphics :p

(I'm used to it by now)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
970's are ok, but a graphically rich game like this is obviously going to tax it. A better vid card or sli would fix that pop issue. I didn't even know what you were talking about at first, never experienced it.


<Gold Donor>
970's are ok, but a graphically rich game like this is obviously going to tax it. A better vid card or sli would fix that pop issue. I didn't even know what you were talking about at first, never experienced it.
I have a 960 and I don't don't have anywhere near the issues hes describing. I've got everything maxed except "high end" checked and I never have FPS drop. The game certainly has some pop in but I doubt most people are experiencing it at the level he is (i.e. backing up and everything just poofs.)


This game is heavy, I bought a new computer for it. You can turn up the view distance to get rid of those shapeless black blobs but I hardly have any pop-in on any of my 3 machines with varying configs.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I have a 960 and I don't don't have anywhere near the issues hes describing. I've got everything maxed except "high end" checked and I never have FPS drop. The game certainly has some pop in but I doubt most people are experiencing it at the level he is (i.e. backing up and everything just poofs.)
I've got a 670 and don't even have the issues they are talking about...


On the verandah
A couple of screen-shots which make things pretty clear. Everything on the dock and the road ahead pops in and out in the space of 3 paces, and is repeatable by just stepping back and forth. If players are running through the scene at the time, they will vanish as well. It was much busier in the town earlier on, when I posted my initial rant.

Bearing in mind I have zero frame-rate issues playing the game on High Textures/Very High Quality.



Golden Squire
I guess my standards are lower. All that shit is like way out in the distance and Imma be honest here, my focus doesn't go out that far. As long as everything within, oh, say you and and that guard up ahead is rendered, that's good enough for me.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
A couple of screen-shots which make things pretty clear. Everything on the dock and the road ahead pops in and out in the space of 3 paces, and is repeatable by just stepping back and forth. If players are running through the scene at the time, they will vanish as well. It was much busier in the town earlier on, when I posted my initial rant.

Bearing in mind I have zero frame-rate issues playing the game on High Textures/Very High Quality.

I thought that was for PvP. your view distance can be increased through items / gems. If you have a view distance gem, mind putting it on and trying the same thing?