black islamist beheads British soldier in London


Molten Core Raider
What do we gain by Islamic people being on the planet?
Math, medicine, astronomy, physics.

While the Catholic church was banning original thought these folks were inventing the modern world. Unfortunately Catholicism evolved, Islam has not :/


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I want to see Aztec and Arabic stylized giant robots battling it out in the streets of Bahrain and Belmopan stat!


To be serious for a moment (only a moment though, and then I'm going back to calling a_skeleton_03 a racist hillbilly who only went to Germany to be with his kind) it's silly to pretend that the problem is just Islam.

The problem is, as Jait hints at, Islam PLUS socioeconomic factors that make it easier to use it as a tool to radicalize people. Over time, that shit breaks down. People inherently want social mobility, the ability to collect phat lewtz, etc; if a religion prevents them from doing one or more of these things, they'll move away from it.

The big question is, how do the rest of us survive until that happens?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
So, now that we know this to be true, who else thinks a video game where a radical Catholic South America goes to war with a radical Islamic Europe in the year 2113 sounds fucking awesome?
Would you play on one side or would it be multi-player and you choose a team? What genre?
To be serious for a moment (only a moment though, and then I'm going back to calling a_skeleton_03 a racist hillbilly who only went to Germany to be with his kind) it's silly to pretend that the problem is just Islam.

The problem is, as Jait hints at, Islam PLUS socioeconomic factors that make it easier to use it as a tool to radicalize people. Over time, that shit breaks down. People inherently want social mobility, the ability to collect phat lewtz, etc; if a religion prevents them from doing one or more of these things, they'll move away from it.

The big question is, how do the rest of us survive until that happens?
Therein lies the real heart of the solution, a solution we can only find once the dust of the violence has settled and we actually begin to have an honest conversation about the situation.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm thinking RTS and you can pick a side. Multiplayer competition would be key. Let's turn this thing into something they'll broadcast on what used to be called G4.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Math, medicine, astronomy, physics.

While the Catholic church was banning original thought these folks were inventing the modern world. Unfortunately Catholicism evolved, Islam has not :/
He said "what do we gain" not "what have we gained". Muslims haven't invented shit since Algebra. Considering they comprise 20% of the world's population, you'd think they could have managed more than 2 Nobel prizes in science in the last 100 years.
And sending all living ex-Republican presidents to the Hague to be tried as war criminals and executed is the brilliant adult approach that will change hearts and minds? Do that and enjoy the American Civil War part Deux, this time with NAPALM! WOW, man when you get the bit in your mouth, you really can't let it go can you?
Yeah that's so much less reasonable than "let's just not let muslims come to this country!"

I mean jesus CHRIST dude.
I'm not a fan of either one of you by any means but in the last couple pages the score is roughly a_skeleton_03 3'ish mikhail 0 when it comes to posting in a way that conveys religious knowledge.
What a load of bullshit. Please PLEASE tell me which three you're talking about. This should be really good for a laugh.


Better just not let in anyone who isn't white, since brown people also apparently are more likely to convert to Islam.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Math, medicine, astronomy, physics.

While the Catholic church was banning original thought these folks were inventing the modern world. Unfortunately Catholicism evolved, Islam has not :/
I do think the meme that Islam contributed a bunch of scientific achievements is a bit not based in reality. Its like one of those commonly assumed and repeated little fabrications with enough truth in it to really stick around. The fact is that the vast majority of what Islam is credited with contributing in terms of scientific achievements to the West was actually just captured from the Byzantines and other Greek controlled territories and then preserved, or relayed through Arabic societies as a go between, such as the concept of zero, which was actually developed by the Hindi first, and paper, which was developed in China originally, both then propagated down the Silk Road to the West through Arabic cultures and Islamic societies. The Islamists get credit for preserving what Europeans would have otherwise squandered, however. For instance, the only remaining copies of writings by people like Aristotle were held and cared for by Islamic and Arabic rulers for an extended period, and the only reason we have those manuscripts today is directly because of Islamic care for them.

Further, the idea that only Catholics were condemning and silencing scientists is also incorrect. Al Raza was persecuted and condemned as a blasphemer for not worshiping the Islamic traditions exactly. The Taqi al-Din was built not long after the Muslim conquest of Constantinople and was torn down by the Caliph not too awfully long after that due to pressure from Islamic clerics in Istanbul and the failure of his chief astrologer to properly interpret the appearance of a major comet in the sky that was followed by a plague. That's not to say that Islam is devoid of scientific contributions, but rather, that their contributions are overly exaggerated to some extent. Coffee (not really science but there's a lot of science that wouldn't get done without it!), as well, was popular among Africans, Arabs then adopted it from their African slaves, but get credit for "discovering it" for some reason.

Even most major Islamic monuments outside of the Ka'ba were built with Byzantine knowledge, training, laborers, and craftsmen, etc.

I really think the BBC is the reason so many people today think the West just would not be where it is scientifically without Islamic contributions, because of this show, which, while technically accurate, gives a sort of one sided view of exactly how much Islamic scholars contributed to modern scientific knowledge.

Islam really is an insular thing, and the vast majority of its scholars throughout history, and today, are/were educated in and graduated with doctorates in areas like religious theory, not scientific backgrounds.

They (Islamic scholars) did, however, contribute much of the core mathematical theories which Copernicus and later Galileo used to fuel their discovery, so they certainly deserve credit for that.
You've done a solid job showing a shitty troll attempt by Mikhail, atleast I want to tell myself that.
I want one of you dipshits to explain how that text, how ANY TEXT demonstrates that a zealous, literal interpretation of that text is caused by it. In case you're not putting it together: THAT'S FUCKING IDIOTIC.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What I've taken from this thread is that it's perfectly ok to judge an entire group of people because of the actions of a vocal minority.

Which is fine by me. From now on, I want to personally murder every Christian in the world because as far as I'm concerned, they are all the same as the members of the Westboro Baptist Church.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I want one of you dipshits to explain how that text, how ANY TEXT demonstrates that a zealous, literal interpretation of that text is caused by it. In case you're not putting it together: THAT'S FUCKING IDIOTIC.
So the last couple thousand years of behavior is caused by the last 100'ish years?


What I've taken from this thread is that it's perfectly ok to judge an entire group of people because of the actions of a vocal minority.

Which is fine by me. From now on, I want to personally murder every Christian in the world because as far as I'm concerned, they are all the same as the members of the Westboro Baptist Church.
Feel free to. You should start tonight. No balls if you don't.


Musty Nester
Your first mistake is in considering anything Mik says seriously.

Your second mistake is in trying to educate him with alternate interpretations, analysis, or "facts".

Your third mistake is in believing he reads anything other than his own posts. This is why he prefers to use multi-quotes the way he does, and why he rages so hard at Chaos not letting him do that anymore.

Your final mistake is in attempting to engage a discussion. Discussion has never been Mik's intention. To his limited credit Mik was not shy about announcing those intentions within his first ten posts. You have got to love an honest fraud. But circle of life style, this brings us back to the first mistake.

Even refuting Mik is a circular argument. That's all Mik strives for.