God damn but I love this crazy anthology show. I think we all need a bit of Twilight Zone in our collective gestalt to give our rational everyday lives a swift kick in the shorts
I only watched up to hang the dj so far but i feel this seasons pretty lame, none of them have stood out like 'White Christmas' or 'Shut up and Dance' to me, rip
they're all pretty predictable after a few mins of the episode lol
I just started re-watching Black Mirror all over again. I saw the first 2 seasons and the Christmas special as they aired, and it was great. Then I only ever got around to watching the first episode of season 3. I've heard so many people say how great the newest season is that I'm just going to re-watch everything all over again. Fortunately it's only 6 episodes until I see an ep that I never saw before. Can't wait.
I watched the first two tonight. The pig one didn't bother me at all. I remember thinking it was strange the first time around, but whatever.
With the 15 million credits episode, I really wish that he went mass murder on those judges, instead of holding it to his own neck. That would have automatically given him a slot on hot shots for some kind of morbid entertainment. Especially with that society of entertainment based everything.
I've seen all of season 1 and 2 now. Next up is the Christmas special.
The Entire History of You was ugly. That lawyer guy starts off as being a good dude, then quickly loses his shit. I dislike him greatly. Stupid fucking drunk.
Be Right Back was sad. As soon as the girl passed the pregnancy test, I started to tear up. I guess being a father IRL is enough to put added emotions on shit like that. It was sad.
White Bear was perfect as always. Perpetual torture machine. I guess she doesn't need to eat?
Waldo was a huge douche. As far as it running for office, they said it was waldo controlled by x. But when x was fired, the Waldo character was able to continue. It should have been an absolute negative, because the "new" Waldo wasn't the person that was running.
Apparently James Cameron is popularly rumored to have actually fucked a pig. So that explains a bit more about S1E1 for non british viewers. A bit of a nod and a wink to urban legend.
Or maybe he did fuck a pig. Who knows. That's between him and the pig, I reckon.
In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he adapts a sprawling fantasy novel into a video game and soon faces a mind-mangling challenge.
I dunno of Black Mirror can pull it off, but they probably have the best hope of it. It would be laughed at as a very stupid gimmick if most anyone else tried.
It's still obviously a gimmick... but it fits really well with the overall theme of that show.
Did a single path through the story and wasn't terribly impressed. I get what is was trying to do but it wasn't subtle enough and the gimick just messed with the experience. I was considering going through some other options but elected to watch Brazil instead which was far better.
read there are 5 major endings, with variations of each
90ish mins for the straight path story
150 ish mins to get the full story line
312 minutes of total footage