Black Panther (2018)

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
After his presence in Civil War, Black Panther was the most disappointing movie in the last decade for me. That said, I'm still upset. It wasn't his fault his movie sucked.

Zenial Shuri.... Ugh. Fuck, I'm too young to feel like an old man yelling at kids on his lawn. These movies aren't even old enough to vote.
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Ssraeszha Raider
BP was fine. There’s nothing wrong with making a fun B- superhero movie. It was just completely oversold by woke dipshits. Boseman was very good in the role and this is very sad.

Gotta respect how he decided to go out too. RIP.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>


Gunnar Durden
After his presence in Winter Soldier and Civil War, Black Panther was the most disappointing movie in the last decade for me. That said, I'm still upset. It wasn't his fault his movie sucked.

Zenial Shuri.... Ugh. Fuck, I'm too young to feel like an old man yelling at kids on his lawn. These movies aren't even old enough to vote.

he wasn’t in winter soldier

civil war

black panther




Gunnar Durden
He came in and was an awesome new face in civil war

his stand alone flopped on a bad story but made billions cause kangz

he was good in iw but died

he was setup huge in endgame

thencancer snapped him out of existence.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Really tragic considering how young he was. I do wonder how they'll continue the IP, since BP2 seemed to be a lock, but now they'll have to completely rewrite the script if one already existed.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Please. Black people hate gays.

You're making the mistake of thinking that BP is actually targeted towards the black community and not White Retards. Laquisha, DeShawn, and the rest of the vibrant African American community is not what carried this flick to box office stardom.
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Vyemm Raider
Im not sure why you think we see BP as anything other than just an "OK" marvel movie - Winter Soldier is by far my fav and tbh the whole "woke" feel in the movie was what i disliked the most. Doesnt matter what color you are, the movie was just ok, and imo no clue why it was thought of so highly but i assure you it wasnt the black audience alone.
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Millie's Staff Member
Im not sure why you think we see BP as anything other than just an "OK" marvel movie - Winter Soldier is by far my fav and tbh the whole "woke" feel in the movie was what i disliked the most. Doesnt matter what color you are, the movie was just ok, and imo no clue why it was thought of so highly but i assure you it wasnt the black audience alone.
i think what chafes my ass the most is that colonizer line. like, why are you so fucking salty when you live in a protected world away from your fellow africans and you didnt do shit to stop any colonizing? they take that aspect out, then its just a campy movie to me, which isnt always bad.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
i think what chafes my ass the most is that colonizer line. like, why are you so fucking salty when you live in a protected world away from your fellow africans and you didnt do shit to stop any colonizing? they take that aspect out, then its just a campy movie to me, which isnt always bad.

It's worse than that. When you consider how many different African cultures are present in Wakanda, it's very clear that at one point they had conquered and enslaved a significant portion of Africa before they drew back into their contemporary isolationism.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I actually didn't find BP "woke", unless you consider the absurdity of some all black invisible super advanced society as "woke", when in fact it's just part of the original canon. Sure, it layered on the black power nonsense to give every BLM worshipping soy neckbeard a woody, but I didn't detect much wokeness.

It was just honestly, like many people have said, an entirely average superhero flick that could have been spawned from a random cliche dial-a-story generator. The fact that it was ranked above Ragnarok or Logan (the best Marvel movie imho) is a crime.
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Log Wizard
Im calling it now
Shuri will be the next Black Panther and the Kid from Capt Marvel (that was set in the 90s so she should be all grown up now) will be the new Iron Man (Iron Heart)


Millie's Staff Member
Im calling it now
Shuri will be the next Black Panther and the Kid from Capt Marvel (that was set in the 90s so she should be all grown up now) will be the new Iron Man (Iron Heart)
sounds awesome, the MCU is shaping up to be better than ever. I'm sure little boys will be running around with their shuri dolls and looking up to her as a strong male rolemodel.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Actually maybe just recasting him would be best. I mean yes, Boseman was fantastic but it's not like he's had that much screentime. As awkward as recasting him might be, it's probably better than trying to explain his mysterious death/disappearance.

Give the role to Mahershala Ali, and then give the Blade reboot to someone who actually has action experience. Double win.
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The Dirtbag
Actually maybe just recasting him would be best. I mean yes, Boseman was fantastic but it's not like he's had that much screentime. As awkward as recasting him might be, it's probably better than trying to explain his mysterious death/disappearance.

Give the role to Mahershala Ali, and then give the Blade reboot to someone who actually has action experience. Double win.
Just pull a Terrance Howard-->Don Cheadle and move on.
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