Millie's Staff Member
its going to "underperform" meaning it will be right with Love & Thunder and MoM. though i doubt its going to gross as high as L&T . also keep in mind L&T grossed much less than Ragnerok, but also cost more than Ragnerok to produce.Thor Love and Thunder made 100 mil less than Ragnarok, but it also didn't open in China like Ragnarok did. Ragnarok made over 110 mil in China. Same with Doctor Strange MoM, that made 950 mil and didn't open in China. Although the reviews were meh for both they still made a shit load of cash.
Thinking Black Panther 2 won't do well is kinda just letting your personal Marvel bias get in the way. Fans of BP are gonna go because they will want to see how and what they do to honor Boseman. Also Shuri was a well received character in the first movie, so her becoming the new BP isn't gonna turn off that many people.
Ragnerok budget 180 million grossed 810 million
L& T budget 250 million, grossed 760 million
BP2 cost probably around 200 million. lets see how well this phase 4 version without Black Panther in it does.