It's still very playable with an action oriented class, but some things are hard to do...but you still can if unreliable, there is enough options to the combat system that you can do other things.
My blademaster has a block ability, it makes a follow up action instant, but if I hit block 0.5 seconds before being hit...I stun the mob which opens up a pretty devastating combo. Well I can put it off fairly often, but not exactly on demand either...I am certain I could do it a lot better with better ping.
The issue, and it starts somewhere in the mid 25+ is that some content gets a bit harder than it should be because I cannot pull this combo! and others with the reliability that I would otherwise. There are some boss fights that I found I can't solo anymore becuase of latency, but I am not entirely sure they were meant to be soloed anyways although it was possible...some took more than 10-15 minutes solo.
It's still very enjoyable, I truly hope it gets here because it's gorgeous and a lot of fun...the movement is simply awesome when you get some of the higher level movement skills.
It's very traditional questing hub though, and extremely linear...the story from what I can gather from the cutscenes seems pretty cool.
If you're bored, and want to go through the trouble of setting it, I definitely think it's worth a try even in Chinese.
The English patch helps a lot, I never got the other one to work, game is still sexy without it.