I get the Akira thing but I love this one mainly because it's still as monochrome as the others but it's not as "flat" as the duststorm/vegas posters or the polychrome US one.Reminds me of Akira. I like it.
My favorite BR2049 poster is from some whole other shade of rangrang too. I havent found an english version of this:
Three by two feet is pretty cool... basically a regular poster in landscape. I wish there was an even wider one like the Thai poster.Found it at Walmart of all places: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Blade-Ru...-Gosling-in-Flying-Car-Size-36-x-24/495377962
Might have to grab one for myself.
Three by two feet is pretty cool... basically a regular poster in landscape. I wish there was an even wider one like the Thai poster.
We already know chinese loooove shitty bombastic movies.
Good point about Cylons but Replicants are organic; literally synthetic humans. They're grown in vats until they're adult-sized like that chick born in the movie. So they'd be ideal for shipping to some other planet as a frozen embryo.
Wallace was talking about producing them in the trillions to colonize millions of stars. We wouldn't fly giant replicant factories out there, too inefficient for its ratios. They'd just send them out to candidate planets as frozen embryos and have them stay frozen in orbit while robots prep the site. The idea has been bouncing around more or less in that form since Freeman Dyson thought of seedship colonization for NASA.
Was pretty awesome. Possibly the best looking movie ever. The world-building was fricking incredible. Everything was futuristic but realistic.
Anyway, I don't buy a fucking single word of any "movie lost money" rumors. Ever heard of Hollywood Accounting? These are the same people that laughably said Forest Gump, Spider Man, Lord of The Rings, and Harry Potter "lost money" in order to dick people out of royalties. Yeah there are actual box-office-bombs but this isn't even in the ballpark.
Hollywood accounting - Wikipedia
Blade Runner was my first experience with Dolby ATMOS at a new theater that just opened near me. I kinda felt sorry for those at the screen that shared a wall with the one I was in. It had to be shaking the building down to it's foundation so I'm pretty sure they could hear it over whatever they were watching.