Look at this thing. Just look at it.
It's the penultimate boss in Blaster Master.
I've recently been on a
Let's play all the old classic NES games that I loved as a kid kick that were nearly impossible to beat (about 40% of the titles) and beat them with the magic of save states... woop woop. Honestly, as a kid, it's a testament to childhood free time and a relentless resilience that allowed me to beat the
throw-the-controller-at-the-TV games I DID beat back then like Castlevania, Ghouls and Ghosts, Mega Man, Ultima: Exodus, Karnov, Rygar, and more popular but easier titles. But Blaster Master was one title I never bested... was only able to get to the final stage and it was too difficult.
So here I am, able to get to the penultimate boss... and I'm looking at it, remembering a screenshot of this back in Nintendo Power or something and I saw this beast as having 2 tiny eyes then. But then when I'm actually playing it in more high-def, it started to look like a cyclops, actually. Is that nose an eye? Or wait... is that just another eye? Then why did the artist not use black (that's obviously in the 8-bit palette) to highlight eyes if they're eyes at all? Maybe they're just bumps and the thing is an eyeless monster.
Facial pareidolia tells us it's LIKELY 2 eyes with a nose and yet... my adult self is looking at this and literally can't tell anymore, and the more I look at it, the more I get unsure LoL. What we can be SURE of with these limited graphics is that it has a mouth with teeth and two mandible horns. It's
eyes though? Wtf~
how many eyes does this thing have?