On the one hand nostalgia is nice, on the other hand if you keep having to indulge yourself in nostalgia for your entertainment that means your current experiences are worse than what you already have experienced. The popularity of nostalgia is a reflection on the poor quality of art today.
Someone never looked closely at female gnomes I guess.
Pedo game. Literally unplayable.
No one is having trouble adapting or understanding whats being made today.Has nothing to do with quality of current art, it has to do with money and core human psychology. This forum is full of nostalgia yearning folks (the ones who think MMOs peaked with EQ1, for example). Humans in general are big on nostalgia too. You could probably go back in time 4,000 years and still find people nostalgic for the "old days". When people have trouble adapting with changes in their environment, or have trouble relating to new elements in their environment, a typical coping mechanism is to gravitate towards the familiar and comfortable and to dismiss the new things as bad.
Has nothing to do with quality of current art, it has to do with money and core human psychology. This forum is full of nostalgia yearning folks (the ones who think MMOs peaked with EQ1, for example). Humans in general are big on nostalgia too. You could probably go back in time 4,000 years and still find people nostalgic for the "old days". When people have trouble adapting with changes in their environment, or have trouble relating to new elements in their environment, a typical coping mechanism is to gravitate towards the familiar and comfortable and to dismiss the new things as bad.
Nostalgia can be a relatively safe bet to make money. You have a proven past work that was successful, so you try to adapt it and hope that translates. Or you target nostalgic elements (such as music or other time period specific elements) and hope it elicits enough nostalgic feelings to help engender the audience to better accept your product.
Toxic masculinity.Retro games bro. There was a time when you didn't have a bunch of faggot shit and just a solid story.
Here just check this out, this is the entire story, no woke faggot shit, no pedophiles, just beating the shit out of ninjas who fucked around and are about to find out.
Listening to you guys, with Western story telling becoming woke shit and Eastern story telling being pedo shit, guess you won't have anything to watch/play soon enough.![]()
Indi game studios should always be around to cater to the niche crowd.Sounds about right. Then we stop buying it, put these assholes out of work since about 80% of them aren’t qualified to flip burgers, crash the industry faster than ET, and course correct a couple years later.
Until that happens we all have plenty to play in our backlogs to last us fucking decades.
I really dont get how they screw up a story like that. Orcs come in, rape and pillage all the way to Stormwind then destroy it. Thats your first movie simple straight to the point and perfectly segues into a sequel.The Warcraft movie's problem was that it was the retconned version of the lore from WoW which was then not faithfully adapted.
They could have done a more horror focused story with these beasts suddenly coming out of the swamps, summoning demons and undead, with Lothar as more of a low level captain learning how to fight them off. Then in parallel you have Khadgar & Medivh investigating their source until it all goes wrong with Medivh's turn and Stormwind falls, with Lothar being the highest ranking person left after all the death to lead the evacuation and vowing revenge.
Instead we got the Warcraft 3 noble savage orcs with a storyline for Durotan, screen time for all the Warlords of Draenor but somehow de-emphasising Blackhand for Gul'dan, no Death Knights and no Ogres.
Also packed in is a side quest to Dalaran for some reason, some sort of proto Alliance council and Horde infighting.
Worst of all, Stormwind doesn't fall therefore The Alliance has nothing to form around in responce, Warcraft 2 has no basis to happen and nobody gives a shit about a sequel.
Most WoW players probably don't even know that Stormwind is destroyed in Warcraft 1 and not being paid to rebuild it is what caused the Defias uprising. Who even fucking played Warcraft 1? Would have been fun to see.
Doing an Arthas movie would have been cool too, maybe a trilogy with movie 1 being Paladin Arthas/Death Knight Arthas, movie 2 being Jainia/Thrall at Hyjal and movie 3 being the Illidan/Arthas fight.
What didn't you understand about Arcane?I totally don't understand Arcane
The appeal of it, even slightly. Too much of a boomer I guess.What didn't you understand about Arcane?
Did you watch it?The appeal of it, even slightly. Too much of a boomer I guess.