The Blizzard collapse is a clear failure of management, and doing some basic adult-ing. You can not drink at your workplace, if you drink at your workplace, you place your employer at the risk of being liable for monetary damages due to directly work issues, or simply driving from home and getting into a car crash.
The idea that this is the fault of going woke, is ridiculous. They just had incompetent's people and people without a spine, at all levels of management all the way to the CEO. Whoever turned a blind eye to people drinking at work, should be fired right on the spot as failing completely as a manager.
There is a difference between banter with female and even flirting at work, and getting drunk at the company events and start soliciting females employees for sex in an overt manner.
The industry needs to change and employees and management need to treat women differently. This does not mean that you should not approach them or throw out flirty things here and there. But you have to understand that if they are not reciprocated, then you should move on and don't hold that against the person. Also telling someone "their ass looks great on those shorts" is retarded. You tell them instead "those shorts were a good fashion choice". There is plenty of ways you can flirt at work and still have legal/common sense cover, but most important is to know if the person is not interested, and just drop it.