Trakanon Raider
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To me, it's not that it was my first mmo because it was not. My first MMO was Ultima Online. Now that being said, I didn't play Ultima Online very long.Lot of rose colored glasses with respect to EQ. I get it was people's first obsession in the MMO genre, but it's a TERRIBLE combat system wrapped around some incredibly bloated character systems, and some broken as well. And this a game I played for 5 years, and worked on for 8 years after that. Take the world, take the lore, but a re-skinned version of EQ would be awful IMO.
The thing that I like about the first few years of EverQuest is:
- The slower pace of combat
- when I want an action driven game, I play something other than EQ
- I happen to enjoy being able to play more than one character at a time if I want to
- Chatting in group text with the people in your group is enjoyable to me, and if the game is constant kill, run to next mob, kill like WoW was, it ruins that social aspect of the game for me
- Interdependency of different classes in a group
- Being able to manipulate the mobs based on the mechanics of the game world rather than on the intent of the game designer for each given encounter
- I highly believe in creating a game world with rules that apply the same for both the players and the monsters
- I don't like artificially imposed game mechanics to make an encounter work a specific way like mobs summoning players
- I like that you can charm, snare, root, fear, memory blur, and calm mobs
- I do not like when a mob is 100% immune to a game mechanic just because the game designer wants a specific fight to go a specific way
- I prefer camping named mobs
- I don't like when named mobs spawn every time and are essentially not rare at all
- I like the fact that specific rare loot drops off of specific rare mobs in specific zones
- To me, that's a living breathing virtual world rather than just a game
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