Private feedback forums are meant to have an entirely different style of feedback, which is why they force you to break out of the mold of parroting the typical public forum language, like I said.
The proposed forum is going to be
viewable by everyone. In their words: "a new discussion forum that is publicly visible to everyone."
How stupid of an idea this is was immediately obvious, because it paints a target on anyone posting there as a "representative of a part of the community". If they post something not agreed upon by the community they paint a target on their back. Whoever proposed this idea never had to deal with the more toxic elements of the WoW community.
Second, we now have anecdotes that there were multiple private feedback forums with your oh so coveted "trying to break out of the mold of parroting the typical forum language." The tweet I linked even said that they minded their language as asked, but it did nothing. You trying to frame this as a win for your "argument" only shows your lack of reading comprehension: The argument was that these private forums were set up, the rules were followed, but the feedback was still routinely ignored.
So again, why would
another private avenue of feedback fix the broken communication?
Also, notice the weaseling in the official announcements, like "some topics
may be started by Blizzard developers and community managers", "these
may take the form of live chats between Council members and WoW devs". This is already the typical corporate "cover your ass" language.
This is their version of "please hold the line, your call is important to us."
tl;dr: This trying to "break out of the mold of parroting the typical public forum language" is just stupidly applied linguistic relativity theory. There is an underlying reason why public forums converge on certain aspects, you don't get honest feedback by trying to police the language: Either the people don't bother giving feedback when they have to follow rules they find stupid, which limits the feedback, or they will just call you "Karen" instead of "cunt".