Blizzard dies and Bobby rides


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I've seen other games do the same when their population begins to crater. There was a BR game called Scavengers that made a lot of bad design decisions that resulted in the game being a ghost town. Until suddenly one day when matchmaking wasn't ass and your team would populate with players who didnt have mics, but would do basic chat messages (usually friendly or trying to set expectations) and usually be responsive to your pings. Was pretty clear they were bots, but the illusion was convincing enough if you didnt look too closely


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah they wouldn't need to bother with disabling gen chat.

They got robocallers that can persuade retirees to part with their social security numbers, I'm sure they could've made their AI be able to talk shit convincingly over general chat.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
with hacks like blizzard you just never know. these guys are bankrupt on both ethics and implementation.

There is a reason Titan never saw a beta.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
To help soothe the pain, here is a nice cover of a song from the good ol' days

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Exactly why you can't remove Ukerric Ukerric SC1 was a classic and gives Kotick a permanent foothold into your home.

We're still banging on SC1 BGH a few times a year.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Exactly why you can't remove Ukerric Ukerric SC1 was a classic and gives Kotick a permanent foothold into your home.

We're still banging on SC1 BGH a few times a year.
I'm not into RTSes at all. I got a free copy of SC2 which I never ever registered on B.Net, and although I tried WC3 at the time, I quickly removed it from my then-PC.

I want my strategy games measured in Minutes-per-Turn, not Actions-Per-Minute.
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Trump's Staff
EOMM is some darks art shit like esoteric morality, where it really relies on no one finding out you're doing it.

Once people know that's what you're doing, their behaviors shift and your 'churn' calculation will change as a result.
All matchmaking is garbage;

I've worked on team multiplayer games with matchmaking systems, and it is highly unlikely Riot and other PvP games are using EOMM. Everything he describes is an inherent part of MM systems due to variability, randomness, and psychology. Solo queuing in a team game has decently high variability (people don't always play exactly the same) even with a large pool of players to match from and that variability causes a significant amount of randomness which is far more streaky that people think it is.

If you throw in other psychological factors such as optimal reward scheduling (people like to win more often than they lose which is impossible in a skill based match-matchmaking system) and loss aversion you will understand that people will always hate team games with skill-based matchmaking systems even if they work perfectly.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm not into RTSes at all. I got a free copy of SC2 which I never ever registered on B.Net, and although I tried WC3 at the time, I quickly removed it from my then-PC.

I want my strategy games measured in Minutes-per-Turn, not Actions-Per-Minute.

apples and oranges on APM between SC1 and SC2. but the APM in SC1 can definitely get pretty high by mid-game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm not into RTSes at all. I got a free copy of SC2 which I never ever registered on B.Net, and although I tried WC3 at the time, I quickly removed it from my then-PC.

I want my strategy games measured in Minutes-per-Turn, not Actions-Per-Minute.
Most of us cut our teeth heavily on the custom maps of SCBW and WC3. Those didn't really require you to be an RTS fan.

I spent a shitload of hours on a lot of those maps in my teen years. Far more than I ever did playing the base game.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
i just avoided the traditional official ladder maps. BGH has far lower APM. And you can get away with not bothering to compete in the APM war in BGH due to the play style of the map, every enemy behaves the same way and it's very predictable how the game will unfold because there is a certain type of gameplay the map forces. Almost sets a ceiling on APM. It was the most relaxing map for me. 4v4 if you just wanted the pressure off of you to contribute or compete in APM. I wasn't a big fan of 2v2 BGH at all. Felt too much like a ladder game.

I stopped playing all ladder and ranked maps after like a week of owning the game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Chris Chris brought it up but I really liked that Ice Troll Tribe survival game. I played the shit out of it.

In BW I played a lot of this RE map called Survive Raccoon City. It was balls hard and required two of my friends and I a lot of slamming our dicks in the door until we managed to beat it. As well as a madness called Penguin Wars (WC3 was footman wars). I wish they make a madness into a standalone game someday, those got really creative.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
SC1, you had sunken defense & snipers that were great fun. Some pretty cool RPG's created too where you could get a hero with unlimited + upgrades. That and money maps where all the crystal mines were stacked on each other, that was some good non-RTS RTS gaming
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I've worked on team multiplayer games with matchmaking systems, and it is highly unlikely Riot and other PvP games are using EOMM. Everything he describes is an inherent part of MM systems due to variability, randomness, and psychology. Solo queuing in a team game has decently high variability (people don't always play exactly the same) even with a large pool of players to match from and that variability causes a significant amount of randomness which is far more streaky that people think it is.
Every other facet of the digital experience is being constantly guided and molded via algorithms to financially benefit corporations. Why would matchmaking in video games be any different? Especially when theres now a monumental financial incentive tied to them via cosmetics/lootboxes.

From a personal experience I dont buy the "oh thats just randomness" or whatever else you wanna call it. In OW for example Ive gone on rollercoaster adventures in my skill rating going. Going from the average, to the top 10% in the world all in a single season all while my personal performance remained unchanged throughout that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you aren't playing 8 player BGH maps are you even playing Starcraft?
Was that the money map? All I remember is the engine could not handle if all 8 players had full army's. You'd have entire carrier fleets that... couldn't fire because the engine wouldn't even process the interceptors flying around shooting
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Potato del Grande
Was that the money map? All I remember is the engine could not handle if all 8 players had full army's. You'd have entire carrier fleets that... couldn't fire because the engine wouldn't even process the interceptors flying around shooting
All my friends stopped playing because we would just slam Carrier and Battlecruiser fleets at each other on Moneg Maps, and I made a bunch of High Templars and electrocutued them all to death.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
No that was the 7v1 "comp stomps" people did to boost their win #.

That is until my friends and I would join the game and troll it. Not turn on allied victory at the start then start accusing other people of backstabbing. Watch people turn on each other then kill anyone who was left standing. They all got losses.
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