Yeah, it's gonna be fine for S2. And as the seasons go on, people will fall into their natural ability level division and you'll see things start to even out. Then if you want to reroll, you'll know that either your team was completely devastated, or it's worth giving up for a new team with a different skillset.Shit, I think a fresh time might be better than a lot of existing teams based on the injuries that are out there.
We just can't be having an open league elf team pop in with dodge across the board when there's 2 guys in the league with Tackle. The teams in a division need to be allowed to adjust themselves and compensate for the teams that are there with them. Like us guys in D1 consistently chat about who from D2 is likely to be moving up next season and that influences the skillset we take on our guys now. Just having random 1200 TV teams pop just lends itself to people open league farming up the counter to their division. I know I'd love to have a 1200 TV chaos team with block across the board, but in order for me to have that, I should have to eat the losses that come with those first dozen games. It's just the fair thing to do for everyone.