Hahah, Hey Golgatha
Yeah, I can tell you exactly what our session was like. As Golgatha said, we played 4 player, Myself as the bad guy, and 3 friends as the good guys. To his credit, Golgotha was the one who tended to laugh and go "are you kidding?", the other two guys were the ones wanting to flip the table. Basically, every turn had the players going "Fucking bullshit!" generally because of the random nature of the die rolls, or the goal of the map seeming stacked against them from the start. Then I would play one of my surprise screw you cards and the response was "Ohh great, yeah fantastic, so I'm not moving now and my turns over. Stupid.". Etc. Repeat 1,000 times.
So, despite the fact the players won probably 70-80% of the maps we played, they felt like it was too hard, or too random, and the only reason they won was a lucky die roll right at the wire (which was often true) and incessantly complained the entire time. I got the impression they were having no fun at all. After 6 hours of being the object of the groups disdain, I had pretty much said "Fuck ever running this again".
Imagine going out with some friends to play pool, and every time you lined up a shot someone shoved you and called you faggot. It felt like 6 hours of that from the game masters side of it.
I got the impression the players felt more like they were all trying to play a friendly game of pool and I was just holding up one end of the table, being a dick.
Is it a fun game? Probably, with the right group of people.
Is it a fun game with competitive players who get frustrated quickly? Most assuredly not.
As for Agricola - we all played it a few times, and liked it.
The only complaints -
A.) You feel like you are doing terribly the entire time most games (at least the few we played). Now, everyone feels like this, it felt really balanced (minus a few cards that seemed crazy good), but still, playing just kind of seemed, stressful?
B.) The Theme. Really hard to talk people into a game of being starving farmers. Time and time again people stated they really liked the mechanics, but the theme was unappealing.
It turned out Lords of Waterdeep was a similar style game (worker placement) that everyone connected it with more. It became apparent pretty fast which game would be reached for on future game nights, so I figured I may as well unload the ones that will otherwise sit on a shelf for the next 10 years.
Side note - Golgotha bought Small World: Underground (which is basically like second edition) a while back, and that ones been a big hit too, would definitely recommend!