Picked up TI:4 at GenCon, seems like a good iteration. They aren't trying to compete with Eclipse, and stuck with the "big slow comprehensive game" approach. Pretty much just cut the gristle out of TI:3 and kept all the fat in. Will have more thoughts on it once I actually wrangle a table to play the full thing through at home without company men trying to direct people/set things up. Feels like a big X.0 patch for an MMO, more than a new boardgame. Fixing shit, introducing some new shit, repackaging the sprawling stupid stuff that was a result of seperate expansion boxes (Hello TI:3+Expansions terrible Strategy Deck stuffed to the gill with "Trade Goods" instead of interesting, active options).
Also got a chance to see the new Civ boardgame stuff. It's much simplified over earlier editions (although in the case of military, I welcome it, a die roll during battle instead of the terrible fucking RNGesus military unit recruitment of the last one is welcome). Games seemed to take 1-2 hours instead of 2+.