Bojack Horseman

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
By the end of the season I would say that I didn't really like it. Season 4 I thought was just great and I really liked all the different ways they used the versatility of animation to tell stories. This season it felt like a poor imitation of that. We spend the start of the season not really doing all that much and by the time we're finally focused on Bojack's pill-fueled dissociations there's not much time left and everything is rushed.

The show had some high points and of course the monologue funeral episode is top notch but as a whole I'd put this season towards the bottom.

I think my biggest problem with the season is that there was way too much Todd and Diane being exactly what Todd and Diane are supposed to be and that drug my feelings of the whole season down quite a bit. I find Princess Caroline and Mr Peanut Butter centric episodes to be so much better since they are just better characters. In fact, now that I'm typing that I realize that we had an episode centered around each of them and then a few that were more side characters than Bojack which means the titular character had less than half the season devoted to him.

That is especially disappointing given that they ended last season with him being a little happy for once in his life; started this season with him talking to Hollyhock and then...... we didn't see her until an episode where he ignored her almost the entire time. They might think it is clever writing to give us hope of Bojack changing and then spend a whole season showing him not change, but to me that just shows that they cannot write him as anything more than Sisyphus-esqe character that will never get the boulder up the hill. I still like the show but unless they can show us that his self-awareness of his problems can lead to actual change than this show is just treading water with the same premise form here to whenever people get sick of it.


Log Wizard
I think this season was slightly different in that he was trying to be better for the most part. Like he was aware of his being an asshole, but it's just so inherent that even if he's actively battling to be a good person, something within him such as his pill addiction this season, won't let him be "good". Like the internal monologue when he's in the convertible with Gina and they're driving and he talks about how he's happy she's blowing up and he's doing his best not to try to snipe it, but for some reason there's something inside him that still doesn't feel right. And obviously that built up into the whole choking thing. He's just a truly flawed character who will never be fully redeemed and if you want that to happen, I think the show will ultimately let you down. I honestly think the series will end with him not becoming good or becoming a hero or anything. He also won't hit his lowest. It'll end with him being more or less where he started, a drunk with money and no ambition, but maybe with some friends now. I think that'll be it.
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Tranny Chaser
I still like the show even if I wasn't as interested in this season but I'm concerned we'll see Bojack wish to do better and fail continuously as the quality of the show declines. It's what went wrong with Rescue Me. As the series went on it became the Tommy Gavin Misery Parade as we watched him for the Nth time try to kick booze and fail as he's clawed apart by the women in his life. What was one of the best shows on television for years turned into something that I just wanted to end. I get that there are people that are fuck ups forever. I get that lasting change isn't really in the cards for most of us. I just think there's a limit to how often you can bring a character up only to knock them back down. This show has had a season end on a glimmer of hope a few times now only to start the next season having discarded that entirely. The show's still good. There's no shame in bringing it to a close.

I'm also a bit worried that we'll see Bojack do ever more horrible things as the writers run out of ideas and the volume gets turned up on everything to compensate.
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Henry Fondle & Free Churro save what it otherwise a pretty bland season, and definitely the worse one so far. Diane's judgmental shittery being at an uncomfortable level didn't help matters much, and I don't think they focused enough on the painkillers for Bojack's current fuckups to have the right impact. I felt like they were within arms reach of saying something useful about the Hollywood harassment stuff, but failed to get there, making a pretty large focus of the season just fall flat.

Oh, and Paradise PD is turning out to be pretty good as well, although it has a very different style of humour. Worth checking out if you want another Netflix animated series


Tranny Chaser
I felt like they were within arms reach of saying something useful about the Hollywood harassment stuff, but failed to get there, making a pretty large focus of the season just fall flat.

Gina has a few sentences of really critical dialogue with Bojack when they are about to give the interview to explain the footage of her being choked in which she really lays out why people choose to just shut up and move on rather than come forward.

But it's barely enough for a single episode let alone a season


Gina has a few sentences of really critical dialogue with Bojack when they are about to give the interview to explain the footage of her being choked in which she really lays out why people choose to just shut up and move on rather than come forward.

But it's barely enough for a single episode let alone a season

I thought that was the better part of the angle as well. You could easily imagine why someone would sacrifice their self-worth to obtain something they yearned so hard for after that bit. I don't think it was enough though, especially when you add the sexbot harassment stuff into the mix. (hilarious, but was too sharp a turn)

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Bojack now on Comedy Central after South Park. Is this the first Netflix original that has been optioned for cable?


Trakanon Raider
I finally caught up and sadly I have to echo the sentiment here. Free Churro was the high point and it was going downhill from there. Especially the crisis of the last few episodes felt really forced. They need to change things up for the next season, otherwise they will be just another funny animated show. Still not terrible, but we have seen they can do better.


Tranny Chaser

A nice article that really sums up what some of the strongest aspects of this show are. These are truly flawed characters that inhabit what is ostensibly a comedy but has all the soul of a tragedy. Not a single one of them is quite what they seem to be but in a way that makes you realize that this is true of everyone in life.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>

A nice article that really sums up what some of the strongest aspects of this show are. These are truly flawed characters that inhabit what is ostensibly a comedy but has all the soul of a tragedy. Not a single one of them is quite what they seem to be but in a way that makes you realize that this is true of everyone in life.

Archived version for anyone that doesn't want to give The Mary Sue any traffic.



Musty Nester
Yeah, Bojack does a few character studies very well. I like Princess a lot. For all of her being an animated cat and the bland traditional backstory they gave her she feels like a real person.

They cross that line of "oh we're all narcisissts and we know it and isn't it awful? but it's cute though, too. But no, really it's awful. But admit it... it's cute" way too much. Way the hell too much. It gets so tiresome that it becomes boring and then it becomes painfully boring.

Overall I like Bojack. There's a real feeling of they almost have a point but can't quite get there in the series. Which might even be intentional. But like kindness does not mean goodness, intentional does not mean intelligent.

It's a very odd mix. But worth a watch. And they are undeniably clever as writers.


Lord Nagafen Raider

The first half of season six went live this morning.

The second half is set for release on January 31, 2020.
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Trakanon Raider
Really liked it. I'm nervous as fuck about this second half, feel like I know where its going to go, and its not where I want it to go >_<


Final episodes are out. Overall the weakest season of them all. Only one episode stood out for me (15)

Pretty unsatisfying ending to what was a truly amazing series.


Buzzfeed Editor
I've only seen the first episode, but I already know how it's going to end. It's whatever. The ending isn't the thing.

I can't find a video of the bit they did last season where Bojack gifts a painting of himself to Princess Carolyn's new baby. That was probably the funniest scene I can remember seeing, maybe ever, god damn.