Borderlands 3


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Unfortunately he's right about one thing: on top of the EGS faggotry, they also are using Denuvo so it's unlikely there will be any cracked version for a week or two.

GameFly shipped me a copy today, so I suppose that will have to suffice as a "fuck you" to Pitchford and 2K.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
the pirates are exceedingly good at breaking anti-piracy software. even a few years ago it would take months to get through it, but yeah, now it's like a week or so give or take.


Ssraeszha Raider
man this thread got super gay

i don't care about epic game store shit, thats capitalism you compete and do better or die. some of you sound like fucking commies, do you want the government to intervene and tell Epic what to do? FUCKING COMMIES GO BACK TO NORTH KOREA

I don't know shit about Randy Pitchford other than he's probably a magician pedo, although I'd guess all magicians are so maybe thats redundant. I stopped caring long ago who runs what and what kind of person they are.

I used to pirate the fuck out of games but stopped, way too many viruses and bitcoin miners and keyloggers, I've managed to go 45 years without getting an STD, not gonna get one on my PC from some skank pirate site. Besides, doesn't it take a few days or longer? I just checked and it took Metro Exodus 20 days to get cracked from release. I'm an old man, I ain't got time to be waiting 3 weeks I WANNA PLAY THIS WEEKEND. You probably also can't go online with cracked versions

Picking up my epic game store key tonight at gamestop and gonna play the fuck out of this game before i pass out around 9pm, i can't even stay up properly :(

People always try to justify their pirating as them fighting for some noble cause.

I stream movies a lot, but I don't pretend it makes me a hero.
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FPS noob
btw you can get a epic key at gamestop now, since last night actually. $60 for reg, $100 for the super aids version which gives you the season pass and all that jazz. 55 gig download, downloaded in under 20 mins for me and now just waiting for the servers to go online for regular plebs
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't think that refusing to give money to epic makes me heroic, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give money to epic. It's stealing plain and simple, and idgaf.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
What the fuck is the deal with their downloader?


Mr. K

Molten Core Raider
What the fuck is the deal with their downloader?

View attachment 222797

I bought this, guess I'm an asshole. But I enjoy Borderlands.

I ran into similar issues with it dropping write to zero. Restarting my computer fixed it mostly.

Having FiOS Gig Internet and a wired connection is really nice. First time I've downloaded a game not on wireless, it was done fast as hell.


Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
Played for almost 90 min. Still borderlands, still great.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Better than any previous Borderlands. Had me engrossed right off the bat. Closest comparison Borderlands 2 I guess. That one almost pulled me in. I've had a weird relationship with the franchise, but this one just feels "right" for once where the others felt "not right".

Can't explain it better than that. Maybe its my mindset is more open to competitive and cooperative play than it was in the past, or is more into the loot'n'scoot gameplay than previously, I dunno.

But I chopped a dude to pieces in real time with gun fire and watched him just fly apart with each shot and I may have orgasmed a little while I did it.
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<Gold Donor>
Better than any previous Borderlands. Had me engrossed right off the bat. Closest comparison Borderlands 2 I guess. That one almost pulled me in. I've had a weird relationship with the franchise, but this one just feels "right" for once where the others felt "not right".

Can't explain it better than that. Maybe its my mindset is more open to competitive and cooperative play than it was in the past, or is more into the loot'n'scoot gameplay than previously, I dunno.

But I chopped a dude to pieces in real time with gun fire and watched him just fly apart with each shot and I may have orgasmed a little while I did it.

I respect this opinion, it pretty much describes how I feel about 2 in that Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite games and is my favorite FPShooter of all time. I can understand how people would feel that way about this game, I'm only 3 or 4 hours in and am not putting a stamp but I would give it a 7.5/10 with BL1 being a 8 and BL2 being a 9 at this point in my first play of those.(3.5 hoursiah -minus the number of times I restarted to pick different characters.

The lighting effects are sick, just amazing. I finally got a game I can enjoy and play on ultra, rarely gone below 60fps and I was streaming. The only other game I really played on my new pc was WoW so it nice to get to really use it. Feels like I bought a new model low end sports car just to drive my kids 5 minutes round trip to school.

My only real complaint is none of the characters play styles, appearances, or personality make me want to go "I want to try that" based on what I have seen and what little they tell you in the beginning. It was like the presequel again where I said "this one sounds the least annoying" and I can't even remember who I used through my one playthough of that. (I was really dissappointed and bored by the end, never played ng+ or the dlc. I went through 1 several times and 2 even more). That's just me though.

Worth getting if you liked 1 and 2, so far.
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Molten Core Raider
Flak seems a decent choice for first char. Pet's getting more kills than I do. No idea if that scales but while you're starting out and have no gear it's a big help.

Playing my first hour is like having a first cold beer after months in the desert or what I'd imagine it's like getting your first hit after you've been clean for a couple years. Just buy it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Game is good and fun. Stop whining about which corporation is fucking you for the $60, just buy it.
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Tranny Chaser
Having fun so far. I always forgot about grenades in BL so playing as Zane and using the second Action Skill in place of the grenade is ideal. Best friend is playing as FL4K and we're doing fine so far, though in the first couple hours ammo has been a serious issue.

Too many fucking tutorials, however, especially in that you can get stuck in them briefly before you dismiss the damn things.

Graphics are slick and we've already seen some pretty nifty weapons. Best new feature overall, however, is the Google Earth style map that lets you see elevation and overall topography much better.
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