Sounded like the helicopter 'downlink' was being streamed and the cops were concerned about that, as opposed to the scannerYou were listening to it. This guy's scanner is um... scanning multiple talkgroups / channels. If they switched to an alternative he'll have to swamp the channels he's scanning, or if they switched to an encrypted channel you're SOL.
That's what it is, ass.CNN dude is calling the boat cover "shrink wrap".
Oh yeah, agreed. I don't think they were talking about the audio, although I have heard more than a few officers refer to their transmissions as uplink / downlink.Sounded like the helicopter 'downlink' was being streamed and the cops were concerned about that, as opposed to the scanner
LOL nah same name but not it, it is the helicopter spotlight they were referring to.Sounds cooler than it looks.