Hey CNN, I'm not one to tell you how to do your job, but:
Discussing how awful the Boston bombing was, how terrifying/horrific/tragic/etc is not news.
Hearing what Mitt Romney's son has to say about it is not news.
Showing excerpts of Conan O'Brien and Tom Bergeron "taking a moment" to acknowledge the bombing is not news.
Showing a montage of headlines from newspapers about the bombings is not news.
People's Facebook and Twitter posts are not news.
A picture of the deceased 8 year old from two years ago holding a sign for a peace walk that says "No more hurting people" is not only not news, it is the most blatantly emotionally manipulative and distasteful pandering I've seen yet. Shame on you, CNN.
I understand events like this hit people hard, but instead of pandering to people's emotions by milking everything you can from this story, you can demonstrate responsible journalism and continue to cover the rest of the newsworthy events taking place around the world. In the meantime, I have to worry about who's benefiting from stories that aren't being reported on, something more likely to have an effect on all our lives than yet another nutjob with a bomb.
And don't take this to mean I don't care about the bombing victims. My heart goes out to the families of the dead and the injured, but CNN is not the place for exploiting emotions. We have Facebook for that.
- Slightly modified version of what I put on Facebook. Rustled one person's jimmies, got the support of 5 others. Popularity win for me!