Would love for any high level folks that could spare a friend to add me, could use abit of an edge. Trying to power through so to speak to get into the game abit, got a beast dark team starting to form for arena and a solid rainbow team for hard pve. I use it for FH (just started playing less then a week ago so this is my first FH) but i'd imagine as I get stronger I can go for a more damage based team. My rainbow team is a 5 star zelban (decent stats, 50% damage increase for team and +def makes a huge difference on that hard shit I've noticed). Then I have a max 4 star Loch and Sefia, rounded out by a max 3 star Alic and low levle 3 star emila (1 more level and I can afford to put my 4 star emila in).
With that team at 33 I got 330k on the middle FH and that was fucking up by not getting a 2nd board wipe on the group of spirits in 1 shot because I was saving my BB since I thought the other 2 BB's was going to clear
. Not super but it was good enough for SS. I have a metal dungeon to run tonight and should level so I'll pump up 4 star emila since middle FH still is abit rough with no healer for me.
PVP team is a 4 star lvl 45 Kikaru i finally just got (using her for now as my only 50% damage dark), 4 star 30's lundaris, two 4 star libra's at lvl 45 each, and a 3 star Alix maxed. I'm like 105-28 or something now but only lost a few matches the last 60 wins or so. This team knocked out 2 contendars that were lvl 40+ so I'm happy but I need to wait until Tuesday so I can level poor Alice up.
One question; for leader bonuses do they go away if they die? So if my leader is dead does the 50% bonus for my rainbow team (or if anyone dies I guess since the req is all elements present) go away? Or is it permanent. Also I forgot to look but does it show up in the their stats or is it just applied when they attack? And last noob question, during the battle can you actually look at your stats? If so how?
With that team at 33 I got 330k on the middle FH and that was fucking up by not getting a 2nd board wipe on the group of spirits in 1 shot because I was saving my BB since I thought the other 2 BB's was going to clear

PVP team is a 4 star lvl 45 Kikaru i finally just got (using her for now as my only 50% damage dark), 4 star 30's lundaris, two 4 star libra's at lvl 45 each, and a 3 star Alix maxed. I'm like 105-28 or something now but only lost a few matches the last 60 wins or so. This team knocked out 2 contendars that were lvl 40+ so I'm happy but I need to wait until Tuesday so I can level poor Alice up.
One question; for leader bonuses do they go away if they die? So if my leader is dead does the 50% bonus for my rainbow team (or if anyone dies I guess since the req is all elements present) go away? Or is it permanent. Also I forgot to look but does it show up in the their stats or is it just applied when they attack? And last noob question, during the battle can you actually look at your stats? If so how?