Looks like raid is live, but they only have 1 server. Contrast with JP that has 3 and about 1/4 of the population.
Edit: I tried joining several rooms but everyone is AFK. Ended up finally getting a room created, and it's slow/buggy. Finished the first quest but it took a while (would lock up after every turn on boss).
Trying to get the 2nd quest going and it's taking FOREVER.
Edit2: Quest 2 down. The boss didn't ever run, so we just killed it over and over for 3-4 min and it finally completed.
We'll see how quest 3 goes.
Edit3: Buggiest one so far. I think maybe the person who's the room leader needs to kill the boss, and then everyone needs to be out of the boss kill for it to complete. Possibly. Who knows, really?
Anyway, I'm out of orbs. If this gets sorted out better, I'll start up a Rerolled room and password protect it.
Edit4: Holy shit, the worm quest (quest 4) is terrible on global. It was just a constant attempt to keep killing the same boss (you'd never move off your tile, it'd just auto battle you), and eventually we somehow won (I'm wondering if each attempt actually counted as 1 kill and so we may have completed it faster this way?). But the amount of connection and other errors was insane. And then on loading the completion screen it crashed the game completely. So I never got any reward (not that I care about RC1 rewards). I'm also 1 for 4 on getting medals. On JP this was a 100% thing, but maybe there's something different on global's version?