Still no luck? No dice here.Haven't gotten mine yet.
Cheat.Wish I'd successfully modified my choice and gone with Dolk. Or Charla.
It can feel feature bloated, but there is literally ALWAYS something to do. Arena (somewhat PVP), Challenge Arena (different somewhat PVP), Raids (co-op quests), and Quests/Grand Quests all use different "stamina" limiters. With RK, once my stamina hits zero, I put the game down and fuck off playing something else. As well, this is a bit of investment bias from us. We've all been TORCHED by the cash grab from Gumi (I've not seen much in the way from DeNA since coming back to FFRK, but I don't pay that much attention).i just can't get into this game. maybe its because i was already pretty into Final Fantasy: Record Keeper and Heavenstrike Rivals for phone games before i started this, but man. it could be such an awesome game but it ended up being a feature bloated cash grab as far as i can tell.
maybe i just didn't get far enough, tho. i only made it through story mode up to the point where you start those.... campaigns with the maps, whatever the game calls those. as cool as this game started out, tho, it got pretty annoying pretty quickly IME.......
what do you guys see in this? i had hope for the game. maybe i can be swayed to reinstall.
Majority of good secondary spheres come from trials and grand quests. You could make some Phoenix crowns but I'd rather save the Phoenix orbs for the occult upgrades (rc6m2). Harp of Aurelia is probably worth making even if you don't have here.There any sort of guidelines for what spheres to craft?
I'm at 4 occult, 2 buffer, 3 malice, and 5 legwand. I can always go after occult materials, but I want to supplement the rest of my "non-status" spheres. What should I be crafting? I only managed one War Demon's Blade. I've missed a lot of the FH spheres because I'm dumb. I've not gotten the FG sphere yet (nor have I really wanted to, but it'son the list).
There a BB sphere I should be crafting? Heal-sphere? Defense sphere?
I've got her and she's using it. Was thinking of Ultor/Zenia spheres since I don't have them (and maybe Korzan). Not sure how usable those are. Fuck I have to clear out spheres again now :|Majority of good secondary spheres come from trials and grand quests. You could make some Phoenix crowns but I'd rather save the Phoenix orbs for the occult upgrades (rc6m2). Harp of Aurelia is probably worth making even if you don't have here.