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You're going slow because you don't have any dps. Get some friends from here and abuse them. Rhoa/Chrome/Haile will make questing super easy. Push through the map. If you don't mind grinding, there are some specific levels that give good XP.So any high levels got any suggestions; I hadn't played since Q3 of 2014 so alot to catch up on. I had 110 gems so i pulled alot of those and got a few solid def mitigration folks. Right now I am lvl 105 and unfortunately can't expand the lvl of my team due to low level. I have done the first 3 GCC's and got some solid zen and a few good sphreres; i got my RC3 rank today as well. I have 1 of each type of the high end *7 fusion mobs farmed up and arena I was a guardian and like 500-40 or something before i quit but seems like people in that area now have alot better teams. Still winning more then I am losing but i think i need to build a team from scratch with the new meta in mind whatever that may be.
I'm on the 4th world of the normal questing. I think at the moment my biggest challenge is being to low level to continue to evolve my team so whats the best form of exp, should I just power push through the normal quest content over the next few days?
My current perma members are
Laberd - *7 with double sphere; use him for leader on the hardest shit if i need more surviability, other then that he does good damage and almost has perma 50% damage reduction going for the team from SS
Michale - *7 with double sphere; use her for leader if i have a full 5 man team (which i don't since i did my most recent evolves). Also use for attack and crit buffs
Libra- 6* Waiting for my lvl to raise to be able to fuse her, have all the mats. She has good general buffs for HC/BC and fits the rainbow team
So unfortunately for the hard content i run those 3 + Emilo 6* with SBB which allows me to stay alive easy enough but fuck I have no damage it feels like. So my two questions are
1) Who are some of the best end game healers at the moment, Emilo seems so 1 dimensional, 70% of the time I just defend since she does no damage and I don't need the heal but i don't want to waste the SBB for the migration incase i need an emegency one next round. Anyone who brings more to the table? Also man i wish i had tridon (sp?); used him as my friend character and he would be perfect for alot of things and fit my rainbow slot open. I assume he was a summon pull?
2) I need some raw ass damage to round the above 3 out, any suggestions? Needs to be water/lightening/light for the most part unless i break Michele from leader. Any top tier characters available from trials or ingame with out summons?
3) Who is a good status cleanser? I had limited points and thought mechacio or whatever light guy would work as a cleanser but his BB didn't seem to cleanse curse or really anything of use.
Take a screenshot of your box showing your 4* and above units along with the sale/enhance/evolution guys filtered out, and we can get you some other teams. You'll need to grind a bit for the free gems from stages/dungeons/worlds as well as doing the shitty-shit like Maxwell and stage clears so you can do some summons.
1) Krantz, Charla, Aurelia, Elimo are all good, with the first two being better (and Charla being one of the best) for direct heals. Will and Selena are good for HOTs.
--If you have Elimo, you're fine for healing until much later in the game. Don't worry about it until cost isn't your biggest detriment for the team building you need to do. 7* Elimo's heal + 50% dmg reduction is pretty damn amazing.
2) Avant, and of the Global Exclusives except Elaine and Grandt (though Tridon and Aurelia are more Defense), Rhoa, Chrome, Griff, Rize, Will. Worry more about team role than straight DPS at the moment.
--Rainbow leads are great right now for you, but they hit their limit pretty quick. You want to use the best units and sometimes that means two of the same color. Michelle is a great arena lead, so keep her there for that. Look for a +Hp/+ATK lead with other bonuses.
3) Krantz, Melchio, Edea, Aurelia, Dolk
--Quite a few people have status removal on their BB but not on their SBB. It's part of the role they serve. You don't really need to worry about status when you one shot each round, and that should be your goal from now on. Later on Status mitigation is just as big a deal as damage mitigation. But you'll be swimming in units by then.
Free units that are good for your level: Karl (sort of), Grahdens (yep, and better in the future), Maxwell (Great for your level, gets outclassed later on). Those are the ones I'd focus on, though you may want to try and just cheese them. Abuse the 5+1 summons when you need a role they fulfill.
edit: forgot to add! Laario, Mifune, Selena are all really damn good free units. You should have received Anima Laario and Breaker Mifune from leveling (or should be able to get them from the rewards).